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rmrlangford committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 768190d commit 91970ed
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Showing 4 changed files with 85 additions and 187 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion input/fsh/alias.fsh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Alias: $ENCOUNTER =
Alias: $SCT =
Alias: $UCUM_UNIT =
Alias: $OrderableDrugForm_UNIT =
Alias: $CARE_PLAN_CC =
Alias: $LNC =
Expand Down
98 changes: 6 additions & 92 deletions input/fsh/examples.fsh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,92 +263,6 @@ Description: "Service request used to make a request for a referral."
* reasonReference = Reference(HIVProgramFinalOutcomeKnownAsConfirmedReferralExample)
* locationReference[+] = Reference(EncounterLocationHIVTestingExample)

Instance: CervicalCancerCarePlanPrecancerousLesionExample
InstanceOf: CervicalCancerCarePlan
Usage: #example
Title: "Cervical Cancer Care Plan - Treatment for Precancerous Lesion After a Positive HPV Screening"
Description: "Used to record the cervical cancer screening details for the patient receiving treatment for precancerous lesion."
* status = #completed
* intent = #order

* category[CervicalCancer] = $CARE_PLAN_CC#cervical-cancer-care-plan
* category[CervicalCancer].text = "Cervical cancer care plan"

* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE] = $SCT#285636001
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].text = "precancerous lesion"

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code = $PRECANCEROUS_TREAT#thermo-coagulation
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code.text = "Thermo-Coagulation"
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.status = #completed
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.scheduledPeriod.start = "2022-03-21"
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].extension[NextVisitDate].valueDateTime = "2024-11-28"

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonReference[+] = Reference(CervicalCancerHPVPositiveScreeningResultExample)

Instance: CervicalCancerCarePlanSuspiciousLesionExample
InstanceOf: CervicalCancerCarePlan
Usage: #example
Title: "Cervical Cancer Care Plan - Treatement for Suspicious Cancerous Lesion After a Positive HPV Screening"
Description: "Used to record the cervical cancer screening details for the patient receiving treatment for suspicious cancerous lesion."
* status = #completed
* intent = #order

* category[CervicalCancer] = $CARE_PLAN_CC#cervical-cancer-care-plan
* category[CervicalCancer].text = "Cervical cancer care plan"

* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE] = $SCT#315266007
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].text = "Suspected cervical cancer"

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code = $SUSPICIOUS_CANCEROUS_TREAT#treated-at-facility
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code.text = "Treated at the facility"
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.status = #completed
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.scheduledPeriod.start = "2022-03-21"
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].extension[NextVisitDate].valueDateTime = "2024-11-28"

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonReference[+] = Reference(CervicalCancerHPVPositiveScreeningResultExample)

Instance: CervicalCancerCarePlanFullExample
InstanceOf: CervicalCancerCarePlan
Usage: #example
Title: "Cervical Cancer Care Plan - Full Care Plan After Positive Screening For HPV and VIA"
Description: "Used to record the cervical cancer screening details for the patient."
* status = #completed
* intent = #order

* category[CervicalCancer] = $CARE_PLAN_CC#cervical-cancer-care-plan
* category[CervicalCancer].text = "Cervical cancer care plan"

* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE] = $SCT#285636001
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].text = "precancerous lesion"

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code = $PRECANCEROUS_TREAT#thermo-coagulation
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code.text = "Thermo-Coagulation"
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.status = #completed
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.scheduledPeriod.start = "2022-03-21"
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].extension[NextVisitDate].valueDateTime = "2024-11-28"

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonReference[+] = Reference(CervicalCancerHPVPositiveScreeningResultExample)
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonReference[+] = Reference(CervicalCancerVIAPositiveScreeningResultExample)

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE] = $SCT#315266007
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].text = "Suspected cervical cancer"

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code = $SUSPICIOUS_CANCEROUS_TREAT#treated-at-facility
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code.text = "Treated at the facility"
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.status = #completed
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.scheduledPeriod.start = "2022-03-21"
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].extension[NextVisitDate].valueDateTime = "2025-01-28"
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonReference[+] = Reference(CervicalCancerHPVPositiveScreeningResultExample)

Instance: SuppressedViralLoadResultExample
InstanceOf: ViralLoadResultObservation
Usage: #example
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2347,7 +2261,7 @@ Description: "Records the health related activities for patients associated with
* identifier[EpisodeOfCareID][=].system = $EpisodeOfCareID
* status = #active
* type.coding[ART] = $LNC#LP66375-4
* type.coding[TB] = $LNC#LA6762-4
* type.coding[TB] = $SCT#171126009
* patient = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* managingOrganization = Reference(CurrentServiceProviderExample)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2953,7 +2867,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for th
* status = #active
* intent = #order
* created = "2024-03-20"
* category[+] = $LNC#18998-5
* category[+] = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category[=].text = "Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy"
* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)
Expand All @@ -2967,7 +2881,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for th
* status = #active
* intent = #order
* created = "2024-03-20"
* category[+] = $LNC#18998-5
* category[+] = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category[=].text = "Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy"
* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3790,7 +3704,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the TB treatment details for the patient."
* status = #active
* intent = #order
* created = "2024-03-20"
* category[+] = $LNC#LA6762-4
* category[+] = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category[=].text = "TB treatment"
* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3830,12 +3744,12 @@ Description: "Used to add the details regarding the request for INH medication t
* status = #active
* intent = #order
* created = "2024-03-20"
* category[+] = $LNC#LA6762-4
* category[+] = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category[=].text = "TB treatment"
* subject = Reference(GeneralPatientExample)
* encounter = Reference(GeneralEncounterExample)
* activity[+].reference = Reference(TPTMedicationRequestExample)
* activity[=].outcomeReference = Reference(INHAtFollowupCompletedObservationExample)
* activity[=].outcomeReference = Reference(TBProphylaxisTypeINHObservationExample)

Instance: TPTMedicationStatementExample
InstanceOf: TPTMedicationStatement
Expand Down
139 changes: 65 additions & 74 deletions input/fsh/profiles.fsh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,6 +339,50 @@ Description: "Is used to record the personal information of the person that is r
* address.state ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."

Profile: CervicalCancerScreeningServiceRequest
Parent: GenericServiceRequest
Id: cervical-cancer-screening-method-service-request
Title: "Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening Method"
Description: "Represents the service request for the method of cervical cancer screening."
* code from CervicalCancerScreeningMethodValueSet (required)
* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#LP114948-5
* authoredOn 1..1

Profile: CervicalCancerDiagnosticReport
Parent: GenericDiagnosticReport
Id: cervical-cancer-diagnostic-report
Title: "Diagnostic Report - Cervical Cancer"
Description: "Represents the results for the cervical cancer screening."
* code = $LNC#72135-7
* result 1..1
* result only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningResult)
* basedOn only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningServiceRequest)

Profile: CervicalCancerTreatmentServiceRequest
Parent: GenericServiceRequest
Id: cervical-cancer-treatment-service-request
Title: "Service Request - Cervical Cancer Treatment"
Description: "Represents the service request for the cervical cancer treatment."
* code from CervicalCancerTreatmentReceivedValueSet (required)
* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#LP114959-2
* authoredOn 1..1
* reasonReference 1..1
* reasonReference only Reference(CervicalCancerDiagnosticReport)

Profile: CervicalCancerTreatmentReceived
Parent: GenericObservation
Id: cervical-cancer-treatment-received-observation
Title: "Observation - Cervical Cancer Treatment Received"
Description: "This is used to record the date the patient received cervical cancer treatment."
* category 1..1
* category = $OBSERVATION_CATEGORY#exam
* code = $LNC#LA13405-8
* value[x] only dateTime
* valueDateTime 1..1
* basedOn 1..1
* basedOn only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningServiceRequest)

Profile: CervicalCancerCarePlan
Parent: CarePlan
Expand All @@ -347,79 +391,24 @@ Title: "Care Plan - Cervical Cancer"
Description: "Used to record the cervical cancer details for the patient."
* status 1..1
* intent 1..1

* category 1..*

* insert Slice(category, reasons why this should be supported, value, coding, open, Slicing the Careplan category based on the system value, false)

* category contains
CervicalCancer 1..1

* category[CervicalCancer] 1..1
* category[CervicalCancer].coding 1..1
* category[CervicalCancer].coding = $CARE_PLAN_CC#cervical-cancer-care-plan

* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#LP173209-0
* subject 1..1
* subject only Reference(EthPatient)

* encounter 1..1
* encounter only Reference(TargetFacilityEncounter)

* activity 0..* MS
* activity ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."

* insert Slice(activity, reasons why this should be supported, value, detail.code, open, Slicing the Cervical cancer activities based on the code value, false)

* activity contains

* activity.detail.code 0..1 MS
* activity.detail.code ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."
* activity.detail.code 1..1
* activity.detail.code.coding only StrictCoding
* activity.detail.status 1..1
* activity.detail.scheduledPeriod 1..1
* activity.detail.scheduledPeriod.start 1..1
* activity.detail.reasonReference 1..*
* activity.detail.reasonReference only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningResult)

* activity[PRECANCEROUS] ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."

* insert Slice(activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode, reasons why this should be supported, value, coding, open, Slicing the reasonCode based on the system value, false)

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode contains

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode 1..1
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].coding 1..1
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].coding = $SCT#285636001

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code 1..1
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].detail.code from PrecancerousLesionTreatmentReceivedValueSet (required)

* activity[PRECANCEROUS].extension contains NextVisitDateExtension named NextVisitDate 0..1 MS
* activity[PRECANCEROUS].extension[NextVisitDate] ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT] ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."

* insert Slice(activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode, reasons why this should be supported, value, coding, open, Slicing the reasonCode based on the system value, false)
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode
* ^slicing.discriminator[+].type = #exists
* ^slicing.discriminator[=].path = "coding"

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode contains

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode 1..1
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].coding 1..1
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.reasonCode[DIAGNOSIS_CODE].coding = $SCT#315266007
* activity 1..* MS
* activity.reference 1..1
* activity.reference only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningServiceRequest or CervicalCancerTreatmentServiceRequest)

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code 1..1
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].detail.code from SuspiciousCancerousTreatmentValueSet (required)
* activity.outcomeReference 0..1 MS
* activity.outcomeReference ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
* activity.outcomeReference only Reference(CervicalCancerTreatmentReceived)

* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].extension contains NextVisitDateExtension named NextVisitDate 0..1 MS
* activity[SUSPICIOUS_CC_TREATMENT].extension[NextVisitDate] ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."
* activity.extension contains NextVisitDateExtension named NextVisitDate 0..1 MS
* activity.extension[NextVisitDate] ^definition = "reason(s) why this should be supported."

Profile: ViralLoadResultObservation
Parent: GenericObservation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1324,6 +1313,8 @@ Description: "This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening met
* value[x] only CodeableConcept
* valueCodeableConcept 1..1
* valueCodeableConcept from CervicalCancerScreeningMethodValueSet (required)
* basedOn 1..1
* basedOn only Reference(CervicalCancerScreeningServiceRequest)

Profile: CervicalCancerScreeningResult
Parent: GenericObservation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1761,7 +1752,7 @@ Description: "Records the health related activities for patients associated with
* type.coding[HIV-Tracking] ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
* type.coding[HIV-Tracking].code 1..1
* type.coding[HIV-Tracking].code = $LNC#LP102363-1
* type.coding[HIV-Tracking].code = $LNC#LA28577-7

* type.coding[ART] ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
Expand All @@ -1771,17 +1762,17 @@ Description: "Records the health related activities for patients associated with
* type.coding[TB] ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
* type.coding[TB].code 1..1
* type.coding[TB].code = $LNC#LA6762-4
* type.coding[TB].code = $SCT#171126009

* type.coding[TPT] ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
* type.coding[TPT].code 1..1
* type.coding[TPT].code = $SCT#1280002000
* type.coding[TPT].code = $SCT#699618001

* type.coding[Cervical-Cancer] ^definition =
"reason(s) why this should be supported."
* type.coding[Cervical-Cancer].code 1..1
* type.coding[Cervical-Cancer].code = $CARE_PLAN_CC#cervical-cancer-care-plan
* type.coding[Cervical-Cancer].code = $SCT#702455009

* patient only Reference(EthPatient)
* managingOrganization 1..1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2190,7 +2181,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for th
* status 1..1
* intent 1..1
* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#18998-5
* category = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category.text 1..1
* category.text = "Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy"
* subject 1..1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2694,7 +2685,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the TB treatment details for the patient."
* status 1..1
* intent 1..1
* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#LA6762-4
* category = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category.text 1..1
* category.text = "TB treatment"
* subject 1..1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2747,7 +2738,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the TPT details for the patient."
* status 1..1
* intent 1..1
* category 1..1
* category = $LNC#LA6762-4
* category = $LNC#LP173209-0
* category.text 1..1
* category.text = "TB treatment"
* subject 1..1
Expand All @@ -2767,7 +2758,7 @@ Description: "Used to record the TPT details for the patient."
* activity.outcomeReference contains
TreatmentStatus 1..1

* activity.outcomeReference[TreatmentStatus] only Reference(INHAtFollowupObservation or AlternateTPTAtFollowupObservation)
* activity.outcomeReference[TreatmentStatus] only Reference(TBProphylaxisTypeObservation)

* activity.reference 1..1
* activity.reference only Reference(TPTMedicationRequest)
Expand Down

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