257 commits
to poc-microfrontends
since this release
What's Changed
- Plat 639 adjust login cookies -- tests fix by @nour-borgi in #598
- PLAT-639 Adjust login with cookies and session by @nour-borgi in #597
- Plat 636 adjust login keycloak by @nour-borgi in #599
- TB-218 OpenHIM Portal page shell by @medchedli in #618
- Create a new admin page for managing apps by @medchedli in #619
- Dynamically-import-ES-modules by @medchedli in #620
- General Improvements by @Lumiere-Lodi in #621
- Dockerize POC-Microfrontends and Import Map Deployer by @drizzentic in #622
- TB 389:Add capability to generate and enrich default import map with links to external apps by @ItsMurumba in #625
- Fix build issue due to wrong base image by @drizzentic in #626
- push image to Jembi org by @drizzentic in #628
- Add scripts to modify the baseurls for openhim by @drizzentic in #629
- Fix sed matching issue by @drizzentic in #630
- Allow openhim core host data to be read from config file by @rcrichton in #631
- Modify Openhim core api package to fetch core url from default.json file by @drizzentic in #632
- Add the sidebar to the portal page by @drizzentic in #633
- fix portal url by @drizzentic in #634
- Add environment variables for openhim API to the console default.json by @drizzentic in #635
- Adding side bar when using an embedded app by @brett-onions in #636
- Fix failing legacy tests by @drizzentic in #643
- Cu 86bz53ebd registered apps on open him portal uri not not changing when updated by @brett-onions in #637
- FX: layout of sidebar with Embedded apps by @brett-onions in #645
- Feature/dashboard fe2 v2 by @marvinIsSacul in #644
- Feature/intercept 401 api calls by @marvinIsSacul in #649
- Feature/cu 86bzpb1cx/users microfrontend app by @marvinIsSacul in #651
- Feature/cu 86bzfk0bv/add navbar and footer by @marvinIsSacul in #650
- fix: set appbar position to static. by @marvinIsSacul in #653
- feat: remove users menu item from apps dropdown. by @marvinIsSacul in #654
- Fix/cu 86bzfk0bv/header mobile view by @marvinIsSacul in #655
- ft: Creating Client App by @brett-onions in #639
- Fix header css by @drizzentic in #656
- 86bzb002e roles microfrontend app by @brett-onions in #652
- Fix roles bug by @drizzentic in #657
- Feature/rbac fe by @marvinIsSacul in #638
- Fix apps display for HIE apps by @drizzentic in #658
- Transaction Log Implementation by @ItsMurumba in #640
- Minor fixes 2 by @brett-onions in #663
- Feature/ci 86bz9nnbf channels by @marvinIsSacul in #662
- Feature/dashboard long polling by @marvinIsSacul in #664
- fixing styling issues by @brett-onions in #666
- Fix inline css for User and Channel apps by @drizzentic in #667
- Add the script that updates env variables to image by @drizzentic in #668
New Contributors
- @medchedli made their first contribution in #618
- @Lumiere-Lodi made their first contribution in #621
Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v2.0.0-alpha.1
What's Changed
- Bug/styling by @marvinIsSacul in #665
- Transaction Log Fixes by @ItsMurumba in #661
- feat: use hashRouter by @marvinIsSacul in #669
- RBAC: add new permissions. by @marvinIsSacul in #672
- fx: update page headings in client role form by @brett-onions in #673
- Updating validation for form by @brett-onions in #670
- Apps drop down in header should only contain apps added via the apps API by @drizzentic in #674
- fix: RBAC optional chaining and AppBar enhancements by @marvinIsSacul in #671
- Fix apps navbar by @drizzentic in #676
- Feature/ci 86c09d4t0/rbac add new permissions by @marvinIsSacul in #675
- Fix footer to be in fixed position and styling issues in apps by @drizzentic in #677
- fix styling issues by @drizzentic in #679
- Put footer in correct position by @drizzentic in #680
- feat: channel updates and fixes. by @marvinIsSacul in #678
- feat: add validation for default roles. by @marvinIsSacul in #681
- fx: issue with redirects when show headers is clicked by @brett-onions in #683
- Remove unnecessary css files by @drizzentic in #684
- Cu 86c0835pw add a loaderspinner when the request is being processed before loading of datagrid data by @brett-onions in #682
- modify lock button to change colour based on status by @drizzentic in #685
- Fix the height to avoid action buttons overlapping with footer by @drizzentic in #686
- Cu 86c0c42k4 filters are not working by @brett-onions in #687
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-alpha.1...v2.0.0-alpha.2