- b46ee6a - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #1 from austgate/master
- e9e6361 - (Iain Emsley) add Debian support
- 95cb003 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add sysstat::params class and improve test coverage
- 66d1367 - (Joshua Hoblitt) doc + test cleanups
- fe80566 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix linter warnings
- ce3c6cb - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge remote-tracking branch 'skel/master'
- 5c6a356 - (Joshua Hoblitt) first commit
- ed6a68b - (Joshua Hoblitt) ignore patch related files *{.orig,.rej,.patch}
- 6a67990 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add puppet-syntax support
- 435661d - (Joshua Hoblitt) add travis-ci build placard
- fb932f9 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add example spec test
- 4050f0d - (Joshua Hoblitt) add a default .travis.yml
- c46ff1e - (Joshua Hoblitt) git ignore Gemfile.lock
- e86f789 - (Joshua Hoblitt) install ruby gems from https://rubygems.org instead of :rubygems
To resolve this warning:
The source :rubygems is deprecated because HTTP requests are insecure.
Please change your source to 'https://rubygems.org' if possible, or
'http://rubygems.org' if not.
- 95df6b6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) first commit