The source of the compiler is in the src/
directory and has been written in C++ using Flex and Bison for the lexing and parsing stage. Details of the compiler inlcuding AST nodes are in stored the include
please visit our detailed logbook
- basic Lexer to tokenize a single source file
- basic Parser for a single source file
- basic Compiler for a single source file
- build a slighly advanced compiler (if, while, for)
Disclaimer: we work together via live code share on VSCODE so the numbers of commits are imbalanced.
- HURULD - Harry Griffiths (hng21)
- jieunboy0516 - Samsam Lee (scl21)
- The coursework was originally designed by David Thomas, who lectured this module until 2017-18. It is nowadays maintained by John Wickerson, to whom any feedback should be sent.
- Thanks to Yann Herklotz for making various improvements to the compiler-testing scripts.
- Thanks to Archie Crichton for providing a basic "getting started" compiler.
- Extra-special thanks to James Nock for overhauling the scripts for configuring the development environment, for writing detailed instructions for setting this up on various operating systems, and for creating GitHub actions capable of automatically testing compilers.