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feat: Detect bridge ICE failure based on restart requests from endpoi…
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…nts (#1210)

* ref: Simplify code, order alphabetically.
* feat: Keep track of number of endpoints on each Bridge.
* feat: Add per-bridge metrics for endpoint and restart requests.
* ref: Cleanup comment formatting.
* ref: Rename Bridge.stress to correctedStress.
* feat: Penalize stress when a bridge enters the failing ICE state
* feat: Add metric for failing ICE.
  • Loading branch information
bgrozev authored Feb 21, 2025
1 parent 9369e97 commit b62948d
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Showing 13 changed files with 225 additions and 104 deletions.
191 changes: 116 additions & 75 deletions jicofo-selector/src/main/kotlin/org/jitsi/jicofo/bridge/Bridge.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import org.jxmpp.jid.Jid
import java.time.Clock
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import kotlin.math.max
import org.jitsi.jicofo.bridge.BridgeConfig.Companion.config as config

Expand All @@ -48,36 +51,34 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(
private val clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC()
) : Comparable<Bridge> {

* Keep track of the recently added endpoints.
/** Keep track of the recently added endpoints. */
private val newEndpointsRate = RateTracker(

* The last report stress level
private val endpointRestartRequestRate = RateTracker(

/** Number of endpoints currently allocated on this bridge by this jicofo instance. */
val endpoints = AtomicInteger(0)

/** The last report stress level */
var lastReportedStressLevel = 0.0
private set

* Holds bridge version (if known - not all bridge version are capable of
* reporting it).
/** Holds bridge version (if known - not all bridge version are capable of reporting it). */
private var version: String? = null

* Whether the last received presence indicated the bridge is healthy.
/** Whether the last received presence indicated the bridge is healthy. */
var isHealthy = true
private set

* Holds bridge release ID, or null if not known.
/** Holds bridge release ID, or null if not known. */
private var releaseId: String? = null

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,25 +109,16 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(

* Start out with the configured value, update if the bridge reports a value.
/** Start out with the configured value, update if the bridge reports a value. */
private var averageParticipantStress = config.averageParticipantStress

* Stores a boolean that indicates whether the bridge is in graceful shutdown mode.
/** Stores a boolean that indicates whether the bridge is in graceful shutdown mode. */
var isInGracefulShutdown = false // we assume it is not shutting down

* Whether the bridge is in SHUTTING_DOWN mode.
/** Whether the bridge is in SHUTTING_DOWN mode. */
var isShuttingDown = false
private set

* @return true if the bridge is currently in drain mode
* Stores a boolean that indicates whether the bridge is in drain mode.
Expand All @@ -140,19 +132,27 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(
private var failureInstant: Instant? = null

* @return the region of this [Bridge].
/** @return the region of this [Bridge]. */
var region: String? = null
private set

* @return the relay ID advertised by the bridge, or `null` if
* none was advertised.
/** @return the relay ID advertised by the bridge, or `null` if none was advertised. */
var relayId: String? = null
private set

* If this [Bridge] has been removed from the list of bridges. Once removed, the metrics specific to this instance
* are cleared and no longer emitted. If the bridge re-connects, a new [Bridge] instance will be created.
val removed = AtomicBoolean(false)

* The last instant at which we detected, based on restart requests from endpoints, that this bridge is failing ICE
private var lastIceFailed = Instant.MIN
private val failingIce: Boolean
get() = Duration.between(lastIceFailed, clock.instant()) < config.iceFailureDetection.timeout

private val logger: Logger = LoggerImpl(

init {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,37 +237,75 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(
return compare(this, other)

* Notifies this [Bridge] that it was used for a new endpoint.
/** Notifies this [Bridge] that it was used for a new endpoint. */
fun endpointAdded() {
if (!removed.get()) {
BridgeMetrics.endpoints.set(endpoints.get().toLong(), listOf(jid.resourceOrEmpty.toString()))

* Returns the net number of video channels recently allocated or removed
* from this bridge.
fun endpointRemoved() = endpointsRemoved(1)
fun endpointsRemoved(count: Int) {
if (!removed.get()) {
BridgeMetrics.endpoints.set(endpoints.get().toLong(), listOf(jid.resourceOrEmpty.toString()))
if (endpoints.get() < 0) {
logger.error("Removed more endpoints than were allocated. Resetting to 0.", Throwable())
internal fun markRemoved() {
if (removed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
internal fun updateMetrics() {
if (!removed.get()) {
BridgeMetrics.failingIce.set(failingIce, listOf(jid.resourceOrEmpty.toString()))

fun endpointRequestedRestart() {
if (!removed.get()) {

if (config.iceFailureDetection.enabled) {
val restartCount = endpointRestartRequestRate.getAccumulatedCount()
val endpoints = endpoints.get()
if (endpoints >= config.iceFailureDetection.minEndpoints &&
restartCount > endpoints * config.iceFailureDetection.threshold
) {
// Reset the timeout regardless of the previous state, but only log if the state changed.
if (!failingIce) {"Detected an ICE failing state.")
lastIceFailed = clock.instant()

/** Returns the net number of video channels recently allocated or removed from this bridge. */
private val recentlyAddedEndpointCount: Long
get() = newEndpointsRate.getAccumulatedCount()

* The version of this bridge (with embedded release ID, if available).
/** The version of this bridge (with embedded release ID, if available). */
val fullVersion: String?
get() = if (version != null && releaseId != null) "$version-$releaseId" else version

* {@inheritDoc}
override fun toString(): String {
return String.format(
"Bridge[jid=%s, version=%s, relayId=%s, region=%s, stress=%.2f]",
"Bridge[jid=%s, version=%s, relayId=%s, region=%s, correctedStress=%.2f]",

Expand All @@ -276,34 +314,37 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(
* can exceed 1).
* @return this bridge's stress level
val stress: Double
get() =
// While a stress of 1 indicates a bridge is fully loaded, we allow
// larger values to keep sorting correctly.
lastReportedStressLevel +
recentlyAddedEndpointCount.coerceAtLeast(0) * averageParticipantStress
val correctedStress: Double
get() {
// Correct for recently added endpoints.
// While a stress of 1 indicates a bridge is fully loaded, we allow larger values to keep sorting correctly.
val s = lastReportedStressLevel + recentlyAddedEndpointCount.coerceAtLeast(0) * averageParticipantStress

* @return true if the stress of the bridge is greater-than-or-equal to the threshold.
// Correct for failing ICE.
return if (failingIce) max(s, config.stressThreshold + 0.01) else s

/** @return true if the stress of the bridge is greater-than-or-equal to the threshold. */
val isOverloaded: Boolean
get() = stress >= config.stressThreshold
get() = correctedStress >= config.stressThreshold

val debugState: OrderedJsonObject
get() {
val o = OrderedJsonObject()
o["version"] = version.toString()
o["release"] = releaseId.toString()
o["stress"] = stress
o["operational"] = isOperational
o["region"] = region.toString()
o["drain"] = isDraining
o["graceful-shutdown"] = isInGracefulShutdown
o["shutting-down"] = isShuttingDown
o["overloaded"] = isOverloaded
o["relay-id"] = relayId.toString()
o["healthy"] = isHealthy
return o
get() = OrderedJsonObject().apply {
this["corrected-stress"] = correctedStress
this["drain"] = isDraining
this["endpoints"] = endpoints.get()
this["endpoint-restart-requests"] = endpointRestartRequestRate.getAccumulatedCount()
this["failing-ice"] = failingIce
this["graceful-shutdown"] = isInGracefulShutdown
this["healthy"] = isHealthy
this["operational"] = isOperational
this["overloaded"] = isOverloaded
this["region"] = region.toString()
this["relay-id"] = relayId.toString()
this["release"] = releaseId.toString()
this["shutting-down"] = isShuttingDown
this["stress"] = lastReportedStressLevel
this["version"] = version.toString()

companion object {
Expand All @@ -327,7 +368,7 @@ class Bridge @JvmOverloads internal constructor(
return if (myPriority != otherPriority) {
myPriority - otherPriority
} else {

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,10 +156,34 @@ class BridgeConfig private constructor() {
fun getRegionGroup(region: String?): Set<String> =
if (region == null) emptySet() else regionGroups[region] ?: setOf(region)

val iceFailureDetection = IceFailureDetectionConfig()

companion object {
const val BASE = "jicofo.bridge"

val config = BridgeConfig()

class IceFailureDetectionConfig {
val enabled: Boolean by config {
val interval: Duration by config {
val minEndpoints: Int by config {
val threshold: Double by config {
val timeout: Duration by config {

companion object {
const val BASE = ""
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package org.jitsi.jicofo.bridge

import org.jitsi.jicofo.metrics.JicofoMetricsContainer.Companion.instance as metricsContainer
class BridgeMetrics {
companion object {
/** Total number of participants that requested a restart for a specific bridge. */
val restartRequestsMetric = metricsContainer.registerCounter(
"Total number of requests to restart a bridge",
labelNames = listOf("jvb")
val endpoints = metricsContainer.registerLongGauge(
"The number of endpoints on a bridge.",
labelNames = listOf("jvb")
val failingIce = metricsContainer.registerBooleanMetric(
"Whether a bridge is currently in the failing ICE state.",
labelNames = listOf("jvb")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class BridgeSelector @JvmOverloads constructor(
logger.warn("Lost a bridge: $bridgeJid")
eventEmitter.fireEvent { bridgeRemoved(it) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,10 +215,7 @@ class BridgeSelector @JvmOverloads constructor(
).also {
// The bridge was selected for an endpoint, increment its counter.

val stats: JSONObject
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,6 +243,7 @@ class BridgeSelector @JvmOverloads constructor(
inShutdownBridgeCountMetric.set(bridges.values.count { it.isInGracefulShutdown }.toLong())
operationalBridgeCountMetric.set(bridges.values.count { it.isOperational }.toLong())
bridgeVersionCount.set( { it.fullVersion }.toSet().size.toLong())
bridges.values.forEach { it.updateMetrics() }

companion object {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ class VisitorTopologyStrategy : TopologySelectionStrategy() {
cascade.getDistanceFrom(it) { node -> !node.visitor }

val sortedNodes = nodesWithDistance.entries.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.value }, { it.key.bridge.stress }))
.map { it.key }
val sortedNodes = nodesWithDistance.entries.sortedWith(
compareBy({ it.value }, { it.key.bridge.correctedStress })
).map { it.key }

/* TODO: this logic looks a lot like bridge selection. Do we want to try to share logic with that code? */
val nonOverloadedInRegion = sortedNodes.filter {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ interface ColibriSessionManager {
suppressLocalBridgeUpdate: Boolean = false

fun getBridgeSessionId(participantId: String): String?
fun getBridgeSessionId(participantId: String): Pair<Bridge?, String?>

* Stop using [bridge], expiring all endpoints on it (e.g. because it was detected to have failed).
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