Spectral visualization tool for SDSSV-BHM
This is a demo for a multi-epoch spectral viewer for SDSSV-BHM using plotly/dash (https://dash.plotly.com/). The ultimate goal is to build a web application that allows quick spectral visualization for SDSSV BHM data.
Usage: You must have a local copy of the SDSSV data (for now). To launch the web app, you run the script as a regular python file. The web app will be at, which you can open with any web browser.
Here is a list of functions that people have suggested in the collaboration:
- include previous spectra from SDSS I-IV, provide downloadable links to all data
- include quick links to other databases (Simbad, Ned, etc...)
- include source information summary (RA, Dec, z, source types...)
- search with RA/Dec for objects
- renormalization of spectra (based on specific wavelength or line)
- smoothing of spectra
- show the residual spectra in greyscale (could add as a second figure)
- optimize the loading speed, data storage, etc...
long term to-do list:
- access data from Utah server (will need help from the SDSS IT team)