- word_count_nltk.py: use NLTK collocations to find common phrases
- word_count_spacy.py: use spacy library to find single word
Number | Tag | Description Attempt |
1 | CC | Coordinating conjunction |
2 | CD | Cardinal number |
3 | DT | Determiner |
4 | EX | Existential there |
5 | FW | Foreign word |
6 | IN | Preposition or subordinating conjunction |
7 | JJ | Adjective |
8 | JJR | Adjective, comparative |
9 | JJS | Adjective, superlative |
10 | LS | List item marker |
11 | MD | Modal |
12 | NN | Noun, singular or mass |
13 | NNS | Noun, plural |
14 | NNP | Proper noun, singular |
15 | NNPS | Proper noun, plural |
16 | PDT | Predeterminer |
17 | POS | Possessive ending |
18 | PRP | Personal pronoun |
19 | PRP$ | Possessive pronoun |
20 | RB | Adverb |
21 | RBR | Adverb, comparative |
22 | RB | Adverb, superlative |
23 | RP | Particle |
24 | SYM | Symbol |
25 | TO | to |
26 | UH | Interjection |
27 | VB | Verb, base form |
28 | VBD | Verb, past tense |
29 | VBG | Verb, gerund or present participle |
30 | VBN | Verb, past participle |
31 | VBP | Verb, non-3rd person singular present |
32 | VBZ | Verb, 3rd person singular present |
33 | WDT | Wh-determiner |
34 | WP | Wh-pronoun |
35 | WP$ | Possessive wh-pronoun |
36 | WRB | Wh-adverb |