Releases: jodyphelan/TBProfiler
Releases · jodyphelan/TBProfiler
TBProfiler v6.6.3
- bugfix for wrong version reported with
TBProfiler v6.6.2
- Fix typo leading to downstream tools breaking
TBProfiler v6.6.1
TBProfiler v6.6.0
This version update changes the implementation of the epistais rule which may change the resistance predictions for bedaquile, clofazimine and kanamycin. Resistance is new reported unless an abrogating variant is completely fixed (100% frequency in reads). If frequency is 10% than the frequency of the abriogating variant, a note is made indicating that the episatis rule may not apply.
- Updated system for providing epistasis rules
- Add generic profile plugin
- Update conda file
- Updated the default docx template
- Add software and versions to output
TBProfiler v6.5.0
- replace fa2vcf
- make multisample vcf processing parallel
- fix typo in default template
TBProfiler v6.4.1
- Fix for #402
- New plugin class
TBProfiler v6.4.0
- Create new class-based docx templating allowing plugins to be installed
- Default behaviour for rules is to just add a comment
TBProfiler v6.3.0
What's Changed
This is a critical update that will change resistance calls in some samples. It fixes an issue where frameshifts were called in fbiC leading to delamanid and pretomanid resistance calls (see this issue for more)
New Features
- Fixed overcalling of frameshifts in fbiC
- Packaged database updated
- Added schema versioning to result json
- Added docx output plugins
Bug fixes
- Fixed missing positions section in txt output
- Fixed issue where collate gave an error when running with only La lineage sampless
- itol collate readme by @marvinkobit in #364
Full Changelog: v6.2.1...v6.3.0
TBProfiler v6.2.1
What's Changed
- Fixed bug with samclip not being used #357
- Fixed lineage prediction error
- Fixed bug in
Full Changelog: v6.2.0...v6.2.1
TBProfiler v6.2.0
- Replaced fabG1 promoter mutations with inhA as the gene name in the default database
- Small bugs fixed