Small test project to play with Argocd plugin generators and ApplicationSets. The cluster config plugin generator can be used to store environment specific parameters in a configmap that can later on be used as Helm parameters in an ApplicationSet.
CAUTION This project is just a quick hack and not production ready (but could be with some extra work).
- Docker
- Kind
- Create a Kind cluster
kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml
- Build and install the
image into the Kind cluster:docker image build -t cluster-config-generator:0.0.1 image/cluster-config-generator && kind load docker-image cluster-config-generator:0.0.1
- Deploy Argocd:
helm dep up ./gitops/argocd && helm upgrade --install -n argocd --create-namespace argocd ./gitops/argocd
- Deploy the
service:kubectl apply -n argocd -f ./gitops/cluster-config-generator
- Create a cluster configuration ConfigMap and role+rolebinding for the
service:kubectl apply -n kube-system -f ./gitops/kube-system
- Deploy the
ApplicationSet that generates three apps and has theclusterName
parameter passed as Helm parameters:kubectl apply -n argocd -f ./gitops/app-of-apps
- Check the generated apps:
kubectl get application -n argocd -oyaml
The Kind cluster will port forward the Argocd service to localhost on 8443. The admin password can be retrieved with the
following command:
kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r '.data["password"]' | base64 -d | clipcopy
Go to the ArgoCD UI and login with admin
and the password from the previous command.
To remove the Kind cluster and the Argocd resources run kind delete cluster