A brief description on how to generate the necessary files and run the project
Start by cloning the project and navigate to the root folder
Navigate into the server folder cd server
and install the required dependencies using npm install
To verify the installation, run the tests with - npm test
If it mentions any import errors, check the row for Service and Router in the File Organisation further below.
To run the server - npm run dev
In a seperate window do the same for the client
Navigate into the client folder cd client
and install the required dependencies using npm install
To run the client server - npm start
Starting from the root folder
Navigate to the server folder cd server
Make sure the required dependencies are installed by running npm install
Run the builddocs.bat file to transpile the .ts files and build the documentation. The documentation will be outputted under server/DOCS
The builddocs.bat file runs npx tsc
which transpiles .ts to .js and jsdocs folder1 folder2...
which builds the documentation from the .js files in the specified folders.
Back End
The back end is located within the 'server' folder found in the root directory. The files lying directly here are configuration files and the 'index.ts' file which is used to run the server with the aforementioned command npm run dev
, and 'indextest.ts' is a modified version for the Router tests which are run with the command npm test
The Models of the website are located - starting at /server - within the model
folder and contain interfaces and classes that the back-end uses.
The Database schemas for MongoDB are located in the folder db
and use the models as templates. In here is also where the connection file is stored, which should be changed to connect to your own database.
The Service layer is located within the service
folder and contain the Account
, and Post
services. The post service also incorporates the comment services. The filenames should be of the form postService
, as in the first letter is lowercase since that's what the imports are based on (this is a common bug, where the files get - for whatever reason - an uppercase letter after fetching).
The Router layer is located within the router
folder and contain a router for the Forums
, Login
, Posts & Comments
, and for theSettings
. As mentioned for the service files, these files should be named of the form as mentioned above to prevent import errors.
And lastly, the Tests are located within the tests
folder. These test the service & router layer, and also controls the effects by fetching data from the database to verify expected changes.