Nerien's Hekili Packs
1.7.2 (2024-10-10)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- chore: regenerate monk action packs
- fixup! fix: adjust Weapons of Order priority to extend WoO window
- fix: adjust Weapons of Order priority to extend WoO window
Save a Rising Sun Kick for the last GCD of your Weapons of Order buff to
extend the WoO debuff on the target as long as possible. - fixup! fix: minor updates to Equinox priority for Master of Harmony
- fix: minor updates to Equinox priority for Master of Harmony
Chi Burst at a higher priority due to its extra damage, and Rising Sun
Kick at a higher priority due to it being a source of AoE damage as
well. - fix: don't SCK consecutively with Press the Advantage
For brewmaster monk, don't use Spinning Crane Kick consecutively with
Press the Advantage as SCK prevents auto-attacks needed to proc PtA.