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Make untyped data generic and extensible
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This makes both runtimes behave consistently. However, it removes the
opportunity for some runtime-specific optimizations and removes the
ability to re-encode unknown data.
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johnridesabike committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent b4830c5 commit 4ff92a0
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,729 additions and 1,624 deletions.
196 changes: 82 additions & 114 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ end = struct
module I = A.Instruct.Make (struct
include Stdlib

type 'a stmt = 'a
type 'a stm = 'a
type 'a exp = 'a

let return =
let stmt =
let stm =
let ( let| ) a f = a; f ()
let ( let$ ) (_, x) f = f x
let ( let& ) (_, x) f = f (ref x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,6 +191,31 @@ end = struct
let error s = P.error (Acutis_error (A.Error.of_string s))
let async_lambda =

type untyped = ..

module type UNTYPED = sig
type t

val set : t exp -> untyped exp
val get : untyped exp -> t exp
val test : untyped exp -> bool exp

let untyped (type a) name (f : (module UNTYPED with type t = a) -> _) =
(module struct
type t = a
type untyped += Boxed of a

let set a = Boxed a

let get = function
| Boxed a -> a
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected %s" name

let test = function Boxed _ -> true | _ -> false

module External = struct
include D

Expand All @@ -200,57 +225,6 @@ end = struct
match f t with Some x -> ok x | None -> error ()

module Data = struct
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Array of t array
| Hashtbl of t Tbl.t
| Unknown of External.t

let int x = Int x
let float x = Float x
let string x = String x
let array x = Array x
let hashtbl x = Hashtbl x
let unknown x = Unknown x

let to_int = function
| Int x -> x
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected Int."

let to_float = function
| Float x -> x
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected Float."

let to_string = function
| String x -> x
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected String."

let to_array = function
| Array x -> x
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected Array."

let to_hashtbl = function
| Hashtbl x -> x
| _ -> A.Error.internal ~__POS__ "Expected Hashtbl."

let rec to_external_untyped = function
| Unknown x -> x
| Int x -> External.of_int x
| Float x -> External.of_float x
| String x -> External.of_string x
| Array x ->
Array.to_seq x |> to_external_untyped |> External.of_seq
| Hashtbl x ->
Tbl.to_seq x
|> (fun (k, v) -> (k, to_external_untyped v))
|> External.of_seq_assoc

let is_int = function Int _ -> true | _ -> false

type import = External.t -> string promise

let import = ( |> )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,13 +305,13 @@ module PrintJs = struct

(** Common functions used amongst the different modules. *)
module JavascriptShared = struct
let stmt x ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a;@]" x state
let stm x ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a;@]" x state
let ( let| ) a f ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" a state (f ()) state

let ( let$ ) (name, x) f ppf state =
let name = State.var name state in
(let| () =
stmt (fun ppf state ->
stm (fun ppf state ->
F.fprintf ppf "let %a =@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" name state x state)
f name)
Expand All @@ -353,7 +327,7 @@ module PrintJs = struct
let string x ppf _ = pp_string ppf x

let set a b =
stmt (fun ppf state -> F.fprintf ppf "%a =@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)
stm (fun ppf state -> F.fprintf ppf "%a =@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)

let ( .%() ) a b ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "%a[%a]" a state b state
let ( .%()<- ) a i b = set a.%(i) b
Expand All @@ -378,14 +352,14 @@ module PrintJs = struct
let import { module_path; function_path } f ppf state =
let import = State.var "import" state in
(let| () =
stmt (fun ppf state ->
stm (fun ppf state ->
F.fprintf ppf "import {%a as %a} from %a" pp_string function_path
import state pp_string module_path)
f import)
ppf state

let export x = stmt (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "export default %a" x)
let export x = stm (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "export default %a" x)

module Cjs : JSMODULE = struct
Expand All @@ -404,32 +378,32 @@ module PrintJs = struct
module type SEM_JAVASCRIPT = sig
include A.Instruct.SEM

val if_ : bool exp -> then_:(unit -> unit stmt) -> unit stmt
val if_ : bool exp -> then_:(unit -> unit stm) -> unit stm

module JsSem (JsMod : JSMODULE) :
SEM_JAVASCRIPT with type 'a obs = t and type import = import = struct
include JavascriptShared
include JsMod

type 'a stmt = t
type 'a stm = t
type 'a obs = t

let observe =

type 'a exp = t

let return x =
stmt (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "return (@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)" x)
stm (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "return (@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)" x)

type 'a ref = t

let ( let& ) = ( let$ )
let ( ! ) =
let incr a = stmt (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "%a++" a)
let incr a = stm (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "%a++" a)

let ( := ) a b =
stmt (fun ppf state -> F.fprintf ppf "%a =@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)
stm (fun ppf state -> F.fprintf ppf "%a =@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)

let lambda_aux async f ppf state =
let state = State.add_block state in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,7 +463,7 @@ module PrintJs = struct
cons next.!("value") seq)

let yield x =
stmt (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "yield (@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)" x)
stm (fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "yield (@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)" x)

let generator f ppf state =
let state = State.add_block state in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,21 +505,20 @@ module PrintJs = struct
let array_make i x = array_of_seq (Seq.init i (Fun.const x))

let new_ name args ppf state =
F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>new %s(@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)@]" name
F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>new %a(@,@[<hv 2>%a@]@;<0 -2>)@]" name state
(F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:A.Pp.comma (fun ppf x ->
F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a@]" x state))

let hashtbl s = new_ "Map" [ array_of_seq ( pair s) ]
let hashtbl_create () = new_ "Map" [ unit ]
let hashtbl s = new_ (global "Map") [ array_of_seq ( pair s) ]
let hashtbl_create () = new_ (global "Map") [ unit ]
let ( .%{} ) x k = x.!("get") @@ k
let ( .%{}<- ) x k v = stmt (apply_n x.!("set") [ k; v ])
let ( .%{}<- ) x k v = stm (apply_n x.!("set") [ k; v ])
let hashtbl_mem x k = x.!("has") @@ k
let hashtbl_to_seq x = apply_n x.!("entries") []

let ( += ) a b =
stmt (fun ppf state ->
F.fprintf ppf "%a +=@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)
stm (fun ppf state -> F.fprintf ppf "%a +=@ @[<hv 2>%a@]" a state b state)

let buffer_create () = obj [ ("contents", string "") ]
let buffer_add_string b s = b.!("contents") += s
Expand All @@ -557,14 +530,46 @@ module PrintJs = struct

let promise x = (global "Promise").!("resolve") @@ x
let await p ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>await@ %a@]" p state
let error s = (global "Promise").!("reject") @@ new_ "Error" [ s ]
let error s = (global "Promise").!("reject") @@ new_ (global "Error") [ s ]
let async_lambda = lambda_aux `Async

let and_ a b ppf state =
F.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a &&@]@ @[<hv>%a@]" a state b state

let typeof expr ppf state = F.fprintf ppf "typeof %a" expr state

let instanceof a b ppf state =
F.fprintf ppf "%a instanceof %a" a state b state

type untyped

module type UNTYPED = sig
type t

val set : t exp -> untyped exp
val get : untyped exp -> t exp
val test : untyped exp -> bool exp

let untyped (type a) name (f : (module UNTYPED with type t = a) -> _) ppf
state =
let name = State.var (String.capitalize_ascii name) state in
let state' = State.add_block state in
let arg = State.var "arg" state' in
F.fprintf ppf "function %a(%a) {@[<hv 2>@ %a@;<1 -2>@]}@ %a" name state
arg state'
((global "this").!("v") := arg)
(module struct
type t = a

let set a = new_ name [ a ]
let get a = a.!("v")
let test a = instanceof a name

module External = struct
type t

Expand All @@ -586,7 +591,7 @@ module PrintJs = struct

type 'a decoder = {
test : t exp -> bool exp;
convert : 'b. t exp -> ('a exp -> 'b stmt) -> 'b stmt;
convert : 'b. t exp -> ('a exp -> 'b stm) -> 'b stm;

let get_int =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,24 +632,6 @@ module PrintJs = struct

let to_string = to_string

module Data = struct
type t

let is_int x = typeof x = string "number"
let int =
let float =
let string =
let array =
let hashtbl =
let unknown =
let to_int =
let to_float =
let to_string =
let to_array =
let to_hashtbl =
let to_external_untyped =

(** Remove identity bindings, extra unit statements, etc. *)
Expand All @@ -661,12 +648,12 @@ module PrintJs = struct
let fwde x = { from = x; identity = false }
let bwde x = x.from

type 'a from_stmt = 'a F.stmt
type _ stmt = Unit : unit stmt | Unk : 'a F.stmt -> 'a stmt
type 'a from_stm = 'a F.stm
type _ stm = Unit : unit stm | Unk : 'a F.stm -> 'a stm

let fwds x = Unk x

let bwds : type a. a stmt -> a from_stmt = function
let bwds : type a. a stm -> a from_stm = function
| Unit -> F.unit
| Unk x -> x
Expand All @@ -675,7 +662,7 @@ module PrintJs = struct
module M = A.Instruct.MakeTrans (Trans) (F)
include M

let ( let| ) : type a. unit stmt -> (unit -> a stmt) -> a stmt =
let ( let| ) : type a. unit stm -> (unit -> a stm) -> a stm =
fun a f ->
match (a, f ()) with
| Unit, x -> x
Expand All @@ -686,7 +673,7 @@ module PrintJs = struct

let if_else :
type a.
bool exp -> then_:(unit -> a stmt) -> else_:(unit -> a stmt) -> a stmt =
bool exp -> then_:(unit -> a stm) -> else_:(unit -> a stm) -> a stm =
fun x ~then_ ~else_ ->
match (then_ (), else_ ()) with
| Unit, Unit -> Unit
Expand All @@ -710,25 +697,6 @@ module PrintJs = struct

let ( ! ) x = { from = F.(!x); identity = true }

module Data = struct
include M.Data

let int x = { x with from = x.from }
let float x = { x with from = F.Data.float x.from }
let string x = { x with from = F.Data.string x.from }
let array x = { x with from = F.Data.array x.from }
let hashtbl x = { x with from = F.Data.hashtbl x.from }
let unknown x = { x with from = F.Data.unknown x.from }
let to_int x = { x with from = F.Data.to_int x.from }
let to_float x = { x with from = F.Data.to_float x.from }
let to_string x = { x with from = F.Data.to_string x.from }
let to_array x = { x with from = F.Data.to_array x.from }
let to_hashtbl x = { x with from = F.Data.to_hashtbl x.from }

let to_external_untyped x =
{ x with from = F.Data.to_external_untyped x.from }

module External = struct
include M.External

Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,12 +219,11 @@ let missing_component stack name =
Acutis_error (msg_compile f)

let internal ~__POS__:(file, lnum, cnum, enum) s =
let f =
"This is a bug in the compiler. Please contact the Acutis developer.@;\
@[OCaml source file %S, line %d, characters %d-%d.@]@;\
file lnum cnum enum F.pp_print_text s
raise @@ msg_compile f
let internal ~__POS__:(file, lnum, cnum, enum) =
F.kdprintf @@ fun t ->
@@ F.dprintf
"This is a bug in the compiler. Please contact the Acutis developer.@;\
@[OCaml source file %S, line %d, characters %d-%d.@]@;\
file lnum cnum enum t
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion lib/error.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ val missing_component : string list -> string -> exn

(** {1 Internal errors.} *)

val internal : __POS__:string * int * int * int -> string -> _
val internal :
__POS__:string * int * int * int ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, _) format4 ->
(** Use this instead of [assert false] when an internal invariant breaks. It
indicates a bug in the compiler. *)

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