I'm a backend developer (Java/Go/Php/Python), so I don't have much experience with DevOps except using Jenkins and Docker/Docker Compose. My company is a small startup company, we don't have a DevOps team responsible for CI/CD in production. I've just learned about Hashicorp for two weeks til I decided to write this tutorial but I'll try to complete the things. If I missed anything your contributions are welcome.
If you're absolute beginner, please watch the official getting started video from Hashicorp to get some basic concepts
I'm using VMs (multipass) on Ubuntu 22.04 for this tutorial. Ensure that you install Multipass on your machine before you go
If you do set up on physical machines, run these scripts below to install, and set up docker, nomad, and consul on all machines.
- Docker Package and Software
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gist.github.com/tuyendev/3a3bca421b6689f73c670257090b5d34/raw/c31f3de439c5ac86c4e4c7b50bf95a26988b0bd5/nomad-consul-prerequisite.sh)"
- Consul & Nomad
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gist.github.com/tuyendev/63a0a75c1abd354199fd12ef04bacafe/raw/9ebe1bbfec65bddbc1edf286bcd03e9836039d2b/consul-nomad-install.sh)"
- Install DNS Service
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gist.github.com/tuyendev/d000aa5615eea2f6072c7c45fc3e99b3/raw/15fc7e9312311ad0fc2d175d6862145ccfe9b49f/consul-dns-dnsmasq-setup.sh)"
sh create-vm.sh
IP Servers may be different
This structure required at least 4 servers including:
- 3 servers for the core cluster with Nomad (Client/Server installed), Consul (Client/Server installed)
- Since Nomad Client run with Nomad Server in a each cluster node, applications also can run here
- 1 server for monitoring (granfana, promethues, autoscaler, etc)
- Number of servers for client node where applications will be run more effective (I chose 3 for the tutorial)
Node environment
- OS : Ubuntu 20.04
- Docker : Latest Version
- Consul : 1.13.x
- Nomad : 1.4.x
- Vault : 1.12.x
- Domain : bssd.vn ( used for configuration and dns service )
Note: After finish setting up, you'll not able to see the result like the images below cause I remove the service name for Nomad server node in (/etc/nomad.d/consul), it's a bit different. Instead of seeing "sg-core-nomad-server-1", "sg-core-nomad-server-2", "sg-core-nomad-server-3" in Consul, now they all named as "Nomad" for easier querying.
- Pending section