Ufly (Protocol for the automated analysis of Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis gene expression pattern images)
Note: This protocol corresponds to in-progress research that has not yet been published. It is being provided here for the interests of transperity and open-access science. It is therefor important to remember that parts of the provided code and protocal may be broken or of poor porformance, and quality of results is not garenteed. In addtion, although my code is open source (MIT License), parts of this repository may contain code or data that has more-limited usage restrictions, is copywrited, or is patented. For more details on what can and cannot be done, please see the LICENSE.md file of the repository.
*Statistics Toolbox
*Image Processing Toolbox
*Wavelet Toolbox
*VL_Feat (www.vlfeat.org) open source implamentation of SIFT algorithim with Matlab wrapper
Images used in datasets: Berkely Drosophila Genome Project