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JP DeVries edited this page Oct 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

Makeanico is a web app by JP de Vries created as a submission to the 2016 10kApart Contest. It is built upon an accessible HTML foundation and tries to add a little something special for each modern browser.


  • Accessibility: Edge has a fantastic accessibility score. With littler ARIA needed, the implicit accessibility of the semantic HTML layer shine through here.
  • Live Tile Color: <meta> tags are set for Windows Live tile colors although they have not passed testing

Firefox & Chrome

  • Color Picker: Firefox supports <input type="color"> so users can enjoy that feature.
  • Ambient Light: Under Accessibility Preferences Firefox users can choose an auto mode that switches themes based on the ambient light detected in the user's environment.


  • SVG Favicon? One nice thing Firefox does now is support the SVG format for favicons. I haven't figured out a way to feature detect for this so for now I've just placed another version of the favicon file in the root of the site and hope Firefox finds it. If I could feature detect for it I could use SVG in the live preview as well.


  • The <meta name="theme-color"> meta tag is updated as you choose a color allowing the browser theme to follow.


  • Special Considerations: Safari doesn't yet support fetch() so it gets a polyfill for that. It also doesn't support <datalist> so it gets a <select> for the CSS color names.
  • VoiceOver support. Makeanico has been tested with OS X Voice Over Safari.
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