Java Particle Swarm Optimization
This package provides a set of classes for implementing the particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique pioneered by Kennedy and Eberhart.
It models a swarm of particles that move through a continuous space in search of an optimal solution to the specified problem. The
fundamental unit manipulated by the PSO is the particle, which has a defined search space, a location in the search space, and a velocity
vector that guides its search. Particles are aggregated in swarms, and interact with each other as defined by the kinematics (a Mover)
and the neighborhood topology. The problem itself is specified by an evaluator.
The jpso package contains two sample applications which demonstrate some of the library features and the style of code that an application developer would create.
jpso.examples.parabolic Simple example to find the minimum of a parabola
jpso.examples.levy3 Multi-modal example to find the 9 global minima in a space including 760 local