This is a simple web application that scrapes news articles and fetches weather data, allowing users to search articles and track weather trends.
- Scrapes news articles from the web and stores them in a SQLite database
- Fetches real-time weather data from OpenWeather API
- Advanced full-text search using Whoosh:
- Search across both headlines and summaries
- Use wildcards and exact phrases
- Pagination to display 5 articles per page
- Data visualization: Displays a weather temperature trends chart
New search queries options and data chart
This weather app uses the OpenWeatherMap API to pull the current weather. The OpenWeatherMap API needed for this project is free to use if you sign up for a student account.
Registration for an API key is neccessary. To do this, you must sign up for an account and provide student details. Once approved, log in and you can find you key under "My API keys".
- Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:jsnorek/e-commerce-product-aggregator.git
cd e-commerce-product-aggregator
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up database
python -c "from models import Base, engine; Base.metadata.create_all(engine)"
- Set up environment variables
- Create a .env file in the root of the project
- Add the following values to the .env file
Sign up for an account on to get your NEWS_SITE_USERNAME and NEWS_SITE_PASSWORD. These credentials are used to scrape news articles from the site. • Make sure to replace your_npr_username, your_npr_password, and your_weather_api_key with your actual credentials and API key.
- Initialize the Whoosh Search Index
Before using the search functionality, create the search index
python -c "from models import
- Run application
And then use the link to open in your browser.
The app provides two advanced search options:
- Search across headlines & summaries
- Wildcard or exact phrase search
To try these options, select the desired search type in the search bar and enter your query.
If search results appear outdated or incorrect, reindex the articles:
This removes and rebuilds the search index with all articles.
A temperature trends chart is available at:
It displays a time-series plot of recorded temperatures. This also displays on the main app homepage.
This application is deployed on Render at this site
The deployment process includes:
- Pushing changes to GitHub, triggering an automatic deployment on Render
- Setting environment variables in the Render dashboard
- Ensuring dependencies are included in
for Render to install - Ensuring your file is set up correctly to distinguish between production and local development
- Deepened understanding of handling API calls, forms, and session management
- Practiced database management including structuring and querying a database
- Implemented Whoosh full-text search functionalities for advanced searching
- Learned to create simple but effective data visualization
- Practiced deployment with Render
For Articles

For Weather