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##A guide to updating the animated bighorn map:

This is a guide to updating the bighorn map. The map is created by a script (written in javascript) that animates a single GPS track. The script lives here:

The initial map is linked to app.js. Additional maps are linked to map2.js, map3.js, and map4.js. These maps can be embedded in pages by referencing their assigned ID's. NPMap ID's are assigned by Nate Irwin and more can be requested by contacting Nate via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Maps can be viewed at the following url (your ID will be different):

###To Edit An Existing Map:

Click on the {your map name goes here}.js file that you want to edit, map2.js in this tutorial, and then select the pen icon to make edits:

Edits can be made to the GPS track, the map's center and zoom, and the text above the time-slider control. Let's look at each of these in turn.

###The GPS Track The bighorn map generates the GPS track from GeoJSON data that can be found in the data variable and looks like so:

var data = {
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "MultiPoint",
    "coordinates": [/*array of [long,lat] coordinates*/]
  "properties": {
    "time": [/*array of UNIX timestamps*/]

To update the track, simply paste new arrays of [long,lat] coordinates and UNIX timestamps into the appropriate []. For clarity:

var data = {
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "MultiPoint",
    "coordinates": [[long1,lat1], [long2,lat2],[long3,lat3],...,[longN,latN]]
  "properties": {
    "time": [timestamp1, timestamp2, timestamp3,...,timestampN]

Note that the size of these two arrays must be the same. These arrays can be generated by the ui.R script found in this repository. More on this later in the tutorial. ###Setting the Map's Center and Zoom The center and zoom can be found in the NPMap variable:

var NPMap = {
  div: 'map',
  center: {
    lat: 37.744275,
    lng: -119.330004
  zoom: 13,
  maxZoom: 15

When you update the GPS track you will most likely need to reset the center and zoom. Coordinates for the center can be obtained by using Google Maps right-click What's here? feature. Simply mouse over a point that would make a good center, right-click and select What's here?, then click on the coordinates to copy and paste the lat and lng. The zoom level can range from 1 to 15, with greater numbers indicating a greater zoom (zoom: 1 being completely zoomed out). ###Setting the Text for the Time-Slider Control The text for the time-slider can be found in the hooks property of the NPMap variable:

var NPMap = {
  div: 'map',
  hooks: {
    init: function (callback) {
      $(document).ready(function () {
        $('div.leaflet-bottom.leaflet-left').prepend('<p><b>EWE S375: 5/17/2015 to 7/5/2015</b></p>');
  zoom: 13,
  maxZoom: 15

In this example the text above the time-slider is set by the HTML: <p><b>EWE S375: 5/17/2015 to 7/5/2015</b></p>. Set the text for the animal and date range that corresponds to your GPS track.

###Creating a New Map To create a new map click on the New file button:

Give the new {your map name goes here}.js file a fantastic name (ending in .js), then copy and paste the entire code of singleTrackTemplate.js (found in this repository):

Set the GPS track, center, zoom, and time-slider control text as described in this tutorial and commit the new file:

Send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] with the name of the new file and request a new NPMap ID. When you receive the ID, which will look something like 0301fc5d-d3db-4103-be9e-f296f2774a35, paste it into the comments section at the top of your new file:

Congratulations! Your map is now live and can be viewed at{paste your ID here}. Your NPMap ID can be used by NPS web managers to embed your map in pages.

###Acquiring and Updating the Raw Data: The raw data comes from Dave German of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW):

David German
Research Analyst
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
787 North Main Street, Suite 220
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873 8536 (o)
(760) 937 6203 (c)
[email protected]

Request new data from Dave via email. Be sure to give him the most recent date in the current data set. The data will arrive as an attached .csv or .txt file and should look something like:


The order of the columns is important: animalID, sex, LMT_Date, LMT_Time, easting, northing, herdID, lat, long. Use this new data to extend the current data set by appending it to the gpsData.csv file found in the data directory of this repository (Excel is useful for this purpose):

###Processing the Raw Data with the ui.R Script: The GeoJSON arrays of [long,lat] coordinates and UNIX timestamps needed to update a GPS track are generated by the ui.R script in this repository. Download the zipped repository to a computer that has RStudio installed:

The ui.R script requires the following R packages: shiny, sp, and dplyr. Install these packages from the RStudio command line:

install.packages(c("shiny", "sp", "dplyr"))

Once these packages are installed simply go to the directory with the downloaded files and open ui.R. RStudio will open:

Click the Run App button to start the application. Select an animal and a date range, then click the Create Files button:

The table on the right should update to reflect your selection and the longlat.txt and timeStamps.txt files in the directory with ui.R will be overwritten. Open these files in a text editor (Notepad and WordPad work just fine) and copy/paste the [long, lat] and UNIX timestamp arrays into your map. ###longlat.txt

{ "type": "FeatureCollection",                                                                                  
"features": [ { "type": "Feature", "id": 0, "properties": 
{ "animalID": "S375", 
"sex": "F", 
"LMT_Date": "2015-04-01", 
"LMT_Time": "12:00:58", 
"easting": 292690.100000, 
"northing": 4175411, 
"herdID": "Ca", 
"lat": 37.702507, 
"long": -119.351596 }, 
"geometry": { "type": "LineString", 
"coordinates": [/*start copying here*/ 
[ -119.351596, 37.702507 ], [ -119.351372, 37.702341 ], [ -119.352153, 37.701757 ], 
[ -119.35206, 37.700867 ], [ -119.352834, 37.700455 ], [ -119.352598, 37.699631 ], 
[ -119.352273, 37.700989 ], [ -119.352975, 37.699939 ], [ -119.352406, 37.700905 ], 
[ -119.352871, 37.700589 ], [ -119.352118, 37.699983 ], [ -119.352246, 37.701503 ], 
[ -119.351584, 37.700246 ], [ -119.350824, 37.711931 ], [ -119.350771, 37.711959 ], 
[ -119.343767, 37.716379 ], [ -119.346451, 37.715848 ] /*stop copying here*/
] } } ] }


c(/*start copying here*/ 1427914858, 1427958043, 1428001370, 1428087651, 
1428130881, 1428174093, 1428260446, 1428303685, 1428346832, 1428390032, 
1428433223, 1428476432, 1428606075, 1428735632, 1428822032, 1428908432, 
1428951723, 1428994833, 1429038050, 1429081232, 1429124432, 1429167632, 
1429210832, 1429254033, 1429297232, 1429340458, 1429383681, 1429426967, 
1429470055, 1429513232, 1429599632, 1429642832, 1429686032, 1429772505, 
1429858832, 1429945257, 1429988463, 1430031632, 1430074911, 1430118032, 
1430161263, 1430204432, 1430247632, 1430334033, 1430377233, 1430420456 /*stop copying here*/)

###Author Jim Soldenwagner


A guide to updating the animated bighorn map.






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