A very simple challenge for fun
We are about to launch a new Tech Store, but we need some data from our current inventory. We have two important stories to cover before we move forward
FRE-101 - Category product totals
As an admin, I want to be able to get how much money each category will get us once all products are sold
AC: Complete get_category_totals function so we can know the total cost each category of product holds in the Store
FRE-102 - Products stats (BONUS)
As an admin, I want to have some quick insights about the Store. For now we need to know how many products are there and the total net worth of such products
AC: Complete get_products_stats function in main.py so our admins can get this information quickly from the DB
- Always try to make code extensible
- It's safer to work in branches
- Unit tests FTW
- Ask for help
- Have fun