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Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) system created by the MathLingBudapest team to participate in Tasks 1 and 2 of Semeval2015


First you need to install the SciPy stack on your machine by following instructions specific to your system on this page

Then run

sudo python install

Our pipeline relies on the hunpos tool for part-of-speech tagging, which can be downloaded from this page. All you need to do is download and place the binary hunpos-tag and the English model en_wsj.model in the directory semeval/hunpos (or change the value of hunpos_dir in the configuration file to point to a different location).

In order to run the precompiled binaries on a 64-bit machine, you should download the 32-bit C library:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 

The machine similarity component also requires the 4lang module. To download and install it, follow these instructions. Then configure it by editing the configuration file configs/sts\_machine.cfg based on the instructions in the 4lang README

Some of our configurations also make use of word embeddings, to get the pre-trained models, just download this archive and extract it in your semeval directory.

In order to download the required ntlk corpuses, use:

python -m nltk.downloader stopwords wordnet


The STS system can be invoked from the repo's base directory using:

    cat sts_test.txt | python semeval/ -c configs/sts.cfg > out
    cat twitter_test.txt | python semeval/ -c configs/twitter.cfg > out

These test files follow the format of the Semeval 2015 Tasks 1 and 2, respectively.

To use the machine similarity component, run

cat sts_test.txt | python semeval/ -c configs/sts_machine.cfg > out


Regression used for Twitter data

Specifying regression mode in the final_score section uses a regression (see configs/twimash.cfg). This mode needs to know the location of the train and test files, which are specified in the regression section:

train: data/
train_labels: data/train.labels
test: data/
gold: data/test.label
binary_labels: true
outfile: data/predicted.labels

Specifying a gold file is optional, the rest of the options are mandatory. If you specify a gold file, precision, recall and F-score are computed and printed to stdout.

Regression used for Task 2 STS data

sample uses of

 python scripts/ regression_train all.model semeval_data/sts_trial/201213_all data/1213_all/ngram data/1213_all/lsa data/1213_all/machine

 for f in data/2014-test/nosim_4gr_d/STS.input.*; do topic=`basename $f | cut -d'.' -f3`; echo $topic; python scripts/ regression_predict all.model data/2014-test/nosim_4gr_d/STS.input.$topic.txt.out data/2014-test/lsa_sim_bp/STS.input.$topic.txt.out data/2014-test/machine_sim_nodes2/STS.input.$topic.txt.out > data/2014-test/regr/STS.input.$topic.txt.out; done

##Reverting to the Semeval-2015 submission version This code and its dependencies are under constant development. To run the version of the code that was used to create the MathLingBudapest team's submissions (although many bugs have been fixed since), use the following revisions:_

Task 1:

Task 2:

If you'd also like to reproduce the machine similarity component as it was at the time of the submission, you'll need the following revision of the pymachine repository:


This repository is maintained by Judit Ács and Gábor Recski. Questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc. are very welcome and can be sent by email to recski at mokk bme hu.


If you use the semeval module, please cite:

  author    = {Recski, G\'{a}bor  and  \'{A}cs, Judit},
  title     = {MathLingBudapest: Concept Networks for Semantic Similarity},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)},
  month     = {June},
  year      = {2015},
  address   = {Denver, Colorado},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {543--547},
  url       = {}


MathLing Budapest Team's repo







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