m-check is a markdown parser aimed at reviewing links found within the documentation of Github repositories.
m-check, can work with both remote repositories and local repositories.
If a link is detected within a markdown file, a GET request will be made to establish if the connection is valid. Depending on the outcome, a HTTP Status will be provided, e.g., 200 , 400, 404, etc
If however, the link could not be reached, for example, due to network error or timeout, a Broken Link
will be added to the output.txt
It should be advised that any link that does not appear to work, should be manually investigated.
To download m-check, simply run:
go get github.com/jwhitt3r/m-check
Finally, to build run the makefile:
make build
or alternatively:
go build cmd/m-check/m-check.go
Below is a detailed breakdown of each flag, with working examples.
$ go run cmd/m-check/m-check.go
Usage: m-check [mandatory...] [options...]
-o Owner of the repository you would like to search.
-r Repository that you would like to search in.
-t Your GitHub Personal Token if you would like to have a higher level of searchers.
-l Indicates that there is a local copy of the documentation already downloaded.
-b Used to specify the Base Path to save your documents, by default this will be ./docs.
-p Used to specify the remote documentation location, by default this will be "docs".
The output of the check will be stored within the specified basepath, under the name output.txt
Example For Downloading Content: ./m-check -o jwhitt3r -r m-check -t 12345678975336985
Example For Working On A Local Copy: ./m-check -o jwhitt3r -r m-check -l
Example For Saving To Non-Default Destination: ./m-check -o jwhitt3r -r m-check -b ./tmp
Example For Non-Default Remote Directory ./m-check -o jwhitt3r -r test_repo -p "documentation"
Thank you to @mneverov for his mentorship through the development of this project!
Thank you to @ardanlabs for the awesome training Ultimate Go!
Inspiration on how to handle flags was found at: @rakyll!