Saas You Later (SYL) is a startup focused profitability and business model calculator. This is a reimplementation of original Saas You Later using SvelteKit.
Visit Saas You Later here
You need to have the following on your machine to be able to develop SYL:
- Node v18 or later
Optional, but helpful
- An editor that supports .editorconfig and Language Server Protocol
Provided that above requirements are fulfilled, you can install the dependencies using
npm ci
and run the development server using
npm run dev
You can then open SYL in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
To test locally, install the headless Firefox that Playwright uses by running
npm run check:playwright:install
You might want to use a desktop firewall like OpenSnitch to stop Firefox from phoning home to their location service or
To test everything then, run
npm test
This will
- prettify,
- lint,
- check types,
- run unit tests, and
- run playwright e2e tests.
To build SYL, run
npm run build
The production build can be previewed using
npm run preview
TODO write me