- Copy the file "ciimchanges.py" into the Arches project views directory (it is entirely possible there isn't a views folder in the project so in that case simply make one).
This contains the core code for the following two APIs:
- Exporting all ConceptSchemes to XML.
- Displaying resource changes from a given date.
- Navigate to the project "urls.py" to add the following code, but first a new import to the top of the file:
from .views.ciimchanges import ChangesView, ConceptsExportView
Secondly, add the following to urlpatterns:
url(r"^resource/changes", ChangesView.as_view(), name="ChangesView"),
url(r"^concept/export", ConceptsExportView.as_view(), name="ConceptsExportView"),
- In the core Arches models/models.py the LatestResourceEdit database table needs to be created by adding the following:
class LatestResourceEdit(models.Model):
editlogid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid1)
username = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
resourcedisplayname = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
resourceinstanceid = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
edittype = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = True
db_table = "latest_resource_edit"
- In models/resource.py, at the top of the file replace the previous EditLog import with the following line:
from arches.app.models.models import EditLog, LatestResourceEdit
Then, underneath edit.save() in the function save_edit add the following:
if LatestResourceEdit.objects.filter(resourceinstanceid=self.resourceinstanceid).exists():
latest_edit = LatestResourceEdit()
latest_edit.resourceinstanceid = self.resourceinstanceid
latest_edit.timestamp = timestamp
latest_edit.edittype = edit_type
- In models/tile.py, at the top of the file replace the previous EditLog import with the following line:
from arches.app.models.resource import EditLog, LatestResourceEdit
Then once again, underneath edit.save() in the function save_edit add the following:
if LatestResourceEdit.objects.filter(resourceinstanceid=self.resourceinstance.resourceinstanceid).exists():
latest_edit = LatestResourceEdit()
latest_edit.resourceinstanceid = self.resourceinstance.resourceinstanceid
latest_edit.timestamp = timestamp
latest_edit.edittype = edit_type
- Migrate the model changes by running the following commands:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
- To initiate the use of the latest_resource_edits table, a management command must be run. This command can be found in this repo under the name
. Run the command, with the virtual environment activated, using
python manage.py populate_latest_resource_edit_table
For more documentation, see the shared Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1LV-7YT5DHExh5NaodRncn5ODjR2Wun-h