- Cindy Yang
- Kaily Liu
- Jack Hourigan
- Anna Zhou
- Start page - registration and log-in
- Hashed passwords
- Profile page (name, email, affiliation, birthday, interests) that can be edited
- Status updates
- Wall posts and commenting
- New friend requests
- Online friends list
- Dynamic refreshing
- Dynamic search
- Friend visualizer
- Adsorption-based news recommendations
- Chats messaging
Source Files:
- Models
- article.js
- chats.js
- editprofile.js
- error.js
- friendvisualizer.js
- header.js
- homepage.js
- news.js
- request.js
- signup.js
- wall.js
- Public
- article.css
- base.css
- chats.css
- editprofile.css
- error.css
- header.css
- homepage.css
- news.css
- request.css, signup.css, wall.css
- JS
- friendvisualizer.js
- jit.js
- Routes
- chatRoutes.js
- friendRoutes.js
- newsRoutes.js
- postRoutes.js
- userRoutes.js
- Views
- article.pug
- chats.ejs
- editprofile.ejs
- error.ejs
- friendvisualizer.ejs
- header.ejs
- homepage.ejs
- news.pug
- request.ejs
- signup.ejs
- wall.ejs
- App.js
- readme.txt
Extra Credit:
- Error pages: When a user attempts to load a random path, query, or parameter in the url, they are redirected to a “page not found” page.
- Friend requests: Friend connections are created with “LinkedIn-style” friend requests (i.e. being able to accept or deny friend requests).
- Private pages: If users are not friends with each other, attempting to view each other’s walls will show a locked “you are not friends” page.
- HTTPS: We used LetsEncrypt to generate a TLS certificate and installed it on our app.
- All the code in this repo was written by ourselves besides some code for setting up that was borrowed from the NETS2120 lab sessions
Running the project:
- Add aws credentials, install any necessary packages with npm init/npm start, and then run node app.js, use cron job to run news analytics