Changes from v4.12.0
New features
FEC-10977 | ExoPlayer upgrade to v2.13.2
FEC-10771 | Dash Thumbnail API Support
API to give the Image ThumnailInfo. App can pass user's seek position in ms.
For more details, please refer our Sample
FEC-10801 | Low Latency Live media Support
This API is dedicated only for Live and DVRLive media.
To set the Low Latency,
To update the Low Latency,
CAUTION: If you want to use this API with Live -> VOD (While changing the media) content using the same player instance then you need to destroy the player before configuring the VOD media.
FEC-10960 | Update or Reset ABRSettings
API to update ABR :
player.updateABRSettings(new ABRSettings().setMaxVideoBitrate(MAX_BITRATE));
API to reset ABR :player.resetABRSettings();
Application can use this API anytime during the playback and can use the reset API to reset ABR for the next media playback.
Note: If you don't set/update/reset the ABR for the next media playback then the last ABR settings will be used.
FEC-11064 | Custom font options for Subtitles
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"yourCustomSubtitle.ttf");
SubtitleStyleSettings ss = new SubtitleStyleSettings("CustomStyle")
.setCustomTypeface("casual", SubtitleStyleSettings.SubtitleSTypefaceStyle.NORMAL)
FEC-9947 | Expose settings' variables for OfflineManager from DTG
API onOfflineManager
instance. There settings may be set for downloading the assets.Example:
manager.setOfflineManagerSettings(new OfflineManagerSettings().setDefaultHlsAudioBitrateEstimation(64000));
manager.start {
// code contd..
Note: This setter only has effect if called before starting the OfflineManager
Don't use this setOfflineManagerSettings
once you have started the OfflineManager.
Plugin's Version
- implementation 'com.kaltura.player:tvplayer:4.13.0'
- implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:imaplugin:4.13.0'
- implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:youboraplugin:4.13.0'
- implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:vrplugin:4.13.0'
- implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:googlecast:4.13.0'