- Compositor - Hyprland
- Terminal - kitty
- Shell - fish
- Prompt - oh-my-posh / starship (for tty)
- Browser - Firefox Developer Edition
- File manager - Dolphin
- Bar - waybar
- Editor - neovim
- Notification daemon - dunst
- Session manager - SDDM
- Lockscreen - hyprlock
- Idle manager - hypridle
- Wallpaper manager - hyprpaper
- Music player - ncmpcpp
If you're looking for Arch Linux Installation go to the section below
bash <(curl -sL https://github.com/kamack38/dotfiles/raw/main/scripts/install.sh)
To setup a brand new version of Arch Linux you can use the command below in an ISO
bash <(curl -sL https://github.com/kamack38/dotfiles/raw/main/scripts/setup.sh)
For some tips checkout Essentials.