I have written a small utility in C# to change / switch the windows IP on the fly with single click. System IP can be configured as pre defined static or DHCP on both Ethernet and Wifi interfaces. It also shows the current IP Configuration with Colored Buttons.
It is useful for the persons who have to change system IPs on frequent basis like System Admins. Basically this application uses netsh commands in elevated command prompt to set the IP of local system.
Any one can use this application by setting their specific IP information in App.Config. More buttons can be added in the interface to switch to multiple predefined configurations.
It is a standalone application written in Visual Studio 2015. No installation needed. Tested on both Win10 & 7
Its compiled binaries can be downloaded in release section.
App usage is demonstrated on https://youtu.be/b49vLmoOX2A
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For any questions & querry contact me at [email protected]