- ResoNet: Physics Informed Deep Learning based Off-Resonance Correction Trained on Synthetic Data. [#0555]
- Learning Optimal K-space Acquisition and Reconstruction using Physics-Informed Neural Networks. [#0050]
- Bayesian sensitivity encoding enables parameter-free, highly accelerated joint multi-contrast reconstruction. [#3444]
- Integrating Subspace Learning, Manifold Learning, and Sparsity Learning to Recosntruct Image Sequences.[#3448]
- MR-double-zero-Can a machine discover new MRI contrasts, such as metabolite concentration? [#0103]
- Combining navigator-based perspective and data-driven retrospective motion correction for high-resolution 7
$T$ multi-slice$T_2w$ MRI [#3298] - Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled Simultaneous Multi-Slice MR Image Reconstruction from Generalized 3D Fourier Encoding Perspective. [#0242]
- Using data-driven Markov chains for MRI reconstruction with Joint Uncertainty Estimation. [#0298]
$T_2$ -deblurring deep learning super-resolution for turbo spin echo MRI. [#0302] - Mitigating synthetic
$T_2$ -FLAIR artifacts in 2D MAGiC using keyhole and deep learning-based image reconstruction. [#0306] - Accelerated respiratory-resolved 4D-MRI with separable spatio-temporal neural networks. [#0305]
- NLINV-Net: Self-Supervised End-2-End Learning for Reconstructing Undersampled Radial Cardiac Real-Time Data. [#0499]
- Phase-based 3D diffusion mapping using RF phase-modulated gradient echo imaging. [#0510]
- Respiration artifact-free 3D DESS
$T_2$ mapping of the human brain. [#0760] - Efficient Bloch Simulation Based on Precomputed State-Transition Matrices. [#0748]
- Rigorous Uncertainty Estimation for MRI Reconstruction. [#0749]
- Bipolar Partial Echo Imaging [#1715]
- Tennisball: slew-efficient trajectory design for 3D-radial imaging. [#1712]
- COLADA: Contrastive Learning for highly accelerated MR Image Reconstruction. [#0156]
- Muti-Coil Muti-Contrast Random Matrix Theory-Based Denoising for Liver Fat and
$R_2^*$ Quantification at 0.55$T$ . [#0311] - MR image super-resolution via a variational diffusion model. [#0163]
- Multi-Contrast 3D Fast Spin-Echo
$T_2$ Shuffling Reconstruction with Score-Based Deep Generative Priors. [#0168] - Motion-Resolved Self-Gated Free Breathing 3D Liver PDFF and R2* Mapping using Phase-Preserving Beamforming and Non-Rigid Motion Compensation. [#0055]
- Acceleration of Multi-Echo MP2RAGE using Interleaved Undersampling and Joint-Contrast Reconstruction. [#0269]
- Ultra-Low Field Quantitative
$T_2$ Mapping. [#0307] - MUSE reconstruction of multishot DW-EPI is not limited by SNR at 0.5
$T$ . [#0309] - Multiphoton Simultaneous Multislice Imaging with CAIPIRINHA Phase Encoding. [#0530]
- SNR-efficient, motion-robust multi-echo SPGR with k-space aliasing. [#0531]
- Variable-flip-angle 3D spiral-in-out TSE/SPACE using echo-reordering and concomitant gradient compensation at 0.55
$T$ . [#0536] - Quantitative 3D DESS
$T_2$ mapping with Deep Learning Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Neurography. [#0665] - Time-resolved cardiac imaging and motion analysis using a multi-scale dynamics decomposition. [#0861]
- Robust Image Reconstruction using Multi-channel Spatial Nulling Maps: An Alternative to ESPIRiT? [#0862]
- Pose-dependent field reconstruction enabled by prospective motion navigation and randomized sampling. [#0864]
- Motion Compensated Structured Low-rank Reconstruction for Robust 3D Multi-shot EPI fMRI. [#0865]
- Interactive Real-Time MRI with BART. [#0873]
- Active dictionary learning: fast and adaptive parameter mapping for dynamic MRI. [#0992]
- Rapid 3D lung imaging with bSSFP stack of spiral out-in sampling at 0.55
$T$ . [#1409] - Alternating Low-Rank Tensor Reconstruction for Improved Multi-Dimensional MRI with MR Multitasking. [#0866]
- A motion-Robust Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction Framework for Fetal Brain MRI.[#0082]
- A Novel Accelerated 3D Phase-Unwrapping Method Based on Subdivided Arrays and Polynomial Modelling with Application: Dixon Water-Fat Separation.[#0074]
- A Dynamic 2D TSE Acquisition Strategy for Robust SAMER Motion Mitigation. [#1832]
- Improved Low-Rank and Subspace Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Self-Navigating Acquisitions.[#0427]
- Optimization of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Subspace Reconstruction. [#0428]
- Cardiac Cine MRI with Dimension-Reduced Deep Separable Spatiotemporal Learning.[#0009]
- Rapid Motion Estimation and Motion-Corrected End-to-End Deep Learning Reconstruction for 1 Heartbeat CINE [#0010]
- A self-supervised feature learning strategy for training reconstruction networks on undersampled data in cardiac cine MRI [#0012]
- Graph Image Prior for Unsupervised Dynamic MRI Reconstruction [#0015]
- Low-Latency Reconstruction of Real-Time Cine MRI Using an Unrolled Network [#0017]
- Multi-scale plug-and-play energy framework for inverse problems [#0038]
- AI-based motion estimation in k-space using guidance lines enables scoutless prospective motion correction. [#0386]
- Navigator-based prospective motion correction in short TR sequences with minimal scan time penalty. [#0388]
- Integrating scout and guidance line-based retrospective motion correction into a 3D deep learning reconstruction for fast and robust brain MRI. [#0389]
- PHIMO: Physics-Informed Motion Correction of GRE MRI for
$T_2^*$ Quantification. [#0391] - High temporal resolution motion correction in MRF using quantitative-scout-based navigation (QUEEN) and motion-dictionary matching. [#0392]
- Motion-resolved rapid 3D multiparametric brain mapping with self-navigation. [#0395]
- Deep Learning Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Radial Cine Imaging [#0043]
- Spiral HASTE using variable-flip-angle single-shot spiral-ring TSE for rapid T2-weighted abdominal imaging. [#0944]