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slycloud edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 2 revisions


After User Authentication is added to flyboard, the param 'token' should be added in all api request, the value of 'token' can be gotten by "/api/users/token/:id".


request without token: '/api/projects/sdfe-i123-I142-d1kd/data_sources/login.user'

request with token: '/api/projects/sdfe-i123-I142-d1kd/data_sources/login.user?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI'

API for Visualization


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
POST /api/projects/:uuid/data_sources/:key Record Create a new record. Params in URL include the UUID of project and key of dataSource which the record belongs to.
GET /api/records/:id Record - Get a record
GET /api/data_sources/:id/records Record [count / periodValue / limit]: return 'count' number of records / return records in a period / return records with the lastest 'limit' number of date_time;[orderBy]:return ordered records; [dimensions]: json type, return records match dimension param; return records of the data_source that match
DELETE /api/records/:id - - delete a record
DELETE /api/projects/:uuid/data_sources/:key - [year/month/day/hour/minute/second]:default value is 0 delete all records that match


    "value": 100,
    "year": 2014, // optional
    "month": 6, // optional, 1-12
    "day": 24, // optional, 1-31
    "hour": 23, // optional, 0-23
    "minute": 12, // optional, 0-59
    "second": 0, // optional, 0-59
    "course": "english"  //optional


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/folders/:id Folder - get a folder
GET /api/folders Folder [project_id]: return all folders that belong to the project return folders
GET /api/folders/:parent_id/folders Folder [project_id]: return subfolders of the project return subfolders of the folder,if parent_id is 0, return all folders that don't belong to any folder
POST /api/folders Folder - create a new folder
PUT /api/folders/:id Folder - update folder
DELETE /api/folders/:id - [recursive]: if true, delete the folder and all subfolders and dataSources of it, too. if false, only delete the folder, and all subfolders and dataSources will belong to its parentfolder. delete folder


    "id": 1, // no need when create a folder
    "name": xxx,
    "project_id": 1,
    "parent_id": 2, // optional


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/data_sources DataSource [folder_id]: return all dataSources that belong to the folder; [project_id]: return all dataSources that belong to the project folder_id: if folder_id is 0,return all dataSources that don't belong to any folder
GET /api/data_sources/:id DataSource - get a dataSource
POST /api/data_sources DataSource - create a new dataSource
PUT /api/data_sources/:id DataSource DataSource update dataSource
DELETE /api/data_sources/:id - - delete a dataSource


    "id": 1, // no need when create a dataSource
    "key": "login.user",
    "project_id": 1, 
    "name": "login user",
    "folder_id": 1  //optional, having no folder_id means the dataSource don't belong to any folder
        "dimensions": [{     //optional
            "key": "course",
            "name": "COURSE",
            "type": "string"    //no need, this is default value


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/projects Project - get all projects
GET /api/projects/:id Project - get a project
POST /api/projects Project Project create a new project
PUT /api/projects/:id Project Project udpate project
DELETE /api/projects/:id - - delete project


    "id": 1, // no nee when create a project
    "name": "foo"


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/dashboards Dashboard [project_id]: return all dashboards that belong to the project; get dashboards
GET /api/dashboards/:id Dashboard | - get a dashboard
POST /api/dashboards Dashboard Dashboard create a new dashboard
PUT /api/dashboards/:id Dashboard Dashboard update dashboard
DELETE /api/dashboards/:id - - delete dashboard


    "id": 1, // no need when create a dashboard
    "name": "foo",
    "project_id": 1,
    "config": {
        "layout": [{
            "id": 1,
            "first_grid": [0,0]
            "last_grid": [5,5]
            "id": 3,
            "first_grid": [0,6],
            "last_grid": [5,11]
            "id": 5,
            "first_grid": [6,0],
            "last_grid": [11,11]
|                |                |
|    widget_1    |    widget_3    |
|                |                |
|                                 |
|            widget_5             |
|                                 |


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/dashboards/:dashboardId/widgets Widget - get all widgets that belong to the dashboard
GET /api/dashboards/:dashboardId/widgets/:id Widget | - get a widget
POST /api/dashboards/:dashboardId/widgets Widget Widget create a new widget
PUT /api/dashboards/:dashboardId/widgets/:id Widget Widget update widget
DELETE /api/dashboards/:dashboardId/widgets/:id - - delete widget


    "id": 1, // no need when create a widget
    "type": 1, // the type of widget
    "dashboard_id": 1, 
    "config": {   // configuration
    	dataInfos: [
    			"id": 1
    			"id": 3,
    			"dimensions": [
    				"key": "course",
    				"name": "COURSE",
    				"value": "math"

each type of widget has different config structure,refer to Widget Type

API for User System


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/users/current User - return current user who has logged in
PUT /api/users/salt_reset/:id User - reset value of 'salt' field of user
GET /api/users/token/:id token - return token of user
GET /api/users User - return all users
GET /api/users/:id User - get a user
POST /api/users User User create a new user
PUT /api/users/:id User User udpate user
DELETE /api/users/:id - - delete user


    "id": 1, //no need when create a user
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "salt": "8sfdjUds3sdfa" //random string, system generates it automatically


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/roles Role - return all roles
GET /api/roles/:id Role - return a role
POST /api/roles Role Role create a new role
PUT /api/roles/:id Role Role update role
DELETE /api/roles/:id - - delete role


    "id": 1,  // no need when create a role
    "name": "admin",
    "scope": 2  // 2: global permissions, can operate any project
    "id": 3, // no need when create a role
    "name": "member",
    "scope": 2  // 1: local permissions, can only operate specified project


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/user_roles userRole [user_id]: return all userRole of the user; [role_id]: return all userRoles of the role; [project_id]: return all userRoles of the project; -
GET /api/user_roles/:id userRole - return a userRole
POST /api/user_roles userRole userRole create a userRole
PUT /api/user_roles/:id userRole userRole update userRole
DELETE /api/user_roles/:id - - delete userRole


    "id": 1,  // no need when create a userRole
    "user_id": 1,
    "role_id": 3,
    "project_id": 5  //if role has global permissions, the project_id must be 0, which means all projects can be operated; if role has local permissions, only the project specified by 'project_id' can be operated


Method URL Return Additional Params Description
GET /api/role_privileges rolePrivilege [role_id]: return all rolePrivileges of the role; return rolePrivileges
POST /api/role_privileges rolePrivilege rolePrivilege create a new rolePrivilege
DELETE /api/role_privileges/:role_id - - delete all rolePrivileges of the role


    "resource": "PROJECT",
    "operation": "GET",
    "role_id": 1