Simple raytracer that renders yaml scenes. Supports basic shapes and materials and .obj models
Command line usage:
Usage: raytracer [OPTIONS] <SCENE_FILE>
<SCENE_FILE> The scene file to render
-f, --image-format <IMAGE_FORMAT>
The format of the output image [default: png] [possible values: ppm, png]
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
The output path of the rendered image. By default it's `./<scene_filename>.<image_format>`
--width <WIDTH>
Width (in pixels) of the output image.
Overrides the one in the scene file. If not specified anywhere, defaults to 800
--height <HEIGHT>
Height (in pixels) of the output image.
Overrides the one in the scene file. If not specified anywhere, defaults to 800
--fov <FOV>
Field of view of the camera in radians. Overrides the one in the scene file If not specified anywhere, defaults to π/3
-m, --max-reflective-depth <MAX_REFLECTIVE_DEPTH>
Maximum number of times a ray can bounce off a reflective surface. Overrides the one in the scene file
-s, --supersampling-level <SUPERSAMPLING_LEVEL>
Controls how many rays are shot per pixel. In other words, the quality of the anti-aliasing (supersampling). Overrides the one in the scene file
-h, --help
Print help