MusicBrainz API client which aims for fully typed results.
This library is still in development and does not support all API endpoints so far. While most of them are trivial to implement in code, the type definitions are not.
Please read the automatically generated client documentation to see which methods are supported.
import { MusicBrainzClient } from "@kellnerd/musicbrainz";
const client = new MusicBrainzClient();
// Lookup a group artist by MBID and include its artist relationships.
// Type of the result is affected by the specified include parameters.
const group = await client.lookup(
{ inc: ["artist-rels"] },
// Find the members of the group from its relationships.
// Property `relations` only exists because a relationship include was specified.
const members = group.relations
// Filter by type name (for illustration, ideally you should use "type-id").
.filter((rel) => rel.type === "member of band")
// Extract the target artist. The `artist` property is guaranteed to exist
// and not optional because "artist-rels" is the only relationship include.
.map((rel) => rel.artist);