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   / /   / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ __/
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  Diagnostic for Proxmox VE                      (Made in Italy)

  cv4pve-diag is a part of suite cv4pve.
  For more information visit

  cv4pve-diag [options] [command]

  --api-token <api-token>                            Api token format 'USER@REALM!TOKENID=UUID'. Require Proxmox VE 6.2 or later
  --username <username>                              User name <username>@<realm>
  --password <password>                              The password. Specify 'file:path_file' to store password in file.
  --host <host> (REQUIRED)                           The host name host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port]
  --settings-file <settings-file>                    File settings (generated from create-settings)
  --ignored-issues-file <ignored-issues-file>        File ignored issues (generated from create-ignored-issues)
  --ignored-issues-show                              Show second table with ignored issue
  -o, --output <Html|Json|JsonPretty|Markdown|Text>  Type output [default: Text]
  --version                                          Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                     Show help and usage information

  create-settings        Create file settings (settings.json)
  create-ignored-issues  Create File ignored issues (ignored-issues.json)
  export-collect         Export collect data collect to data.json
  execute                Execute diagnostic and print result to console

Copyright and License

Copyright: Corsinvest Srl For licensing details please visit

Commercial Support

This software is part of a suite of tools called cv4pve-tools. If you want commercial support, visit the site




Diagnostic for Proxmox VE.

this software collect data from Proxmox VE and output list of Warning/Critical/Info message.

Main features

  • Completely written in C#
  • Use native api REST Proxmox VE (library C#)
  • Independent os (Windows, Linux, Macosx)
  • Installation unzip file extract binary
  • Not require installation in Proxmox VE
  • Execute out side Proxmox VE
  • Custom settings from file --settings-file
  • Ignore issue from file --ignored-issues-file
  • Use Api token --api-token parameter
  • Execution with file parameter e.g. @FileParameter.parm

Api token

From version 6.2 of Proxmox VE is possible to use Api token. This feature permit execute Api without using user and password. If using Privilege Separation when create api token remember specify in permission.


Supports Linux, Windows, OSX and ARM

Install on Linux x64

Step 1 - Download the Lastest Zip File to a Directory of your Choice:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
         NOTE: x.x.x is the Version Number
         Example for v1.4.8: 
         root@debian:/# wget
Step 2 - Unzip to a Directory of your Choice:
         root@debian:/# unzip

Step 3 - Chmod cv4pve-diag to Add Persmissions to Execute cv4pve-diag:
         root@debian:/# chmod +x cv4pve-diag 
	 NOTE: This Allows Owner\Group\Others to Execute cv4pve-diag
Step 4 - Run the Diagnostic Tool:  
         NOTE: Use ./ in front of the the Command cv4pve-diag if you are in the same Directory as cv4pve-diag.
               If you are at the Root Directory, use the Directory Path to cv4pve-diag 
Example Running Tool within its Directory:
root@debian:/cv4pvediag# ./cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute
                         NOTE: Use ./ in front of the the Command cv4pve-diag if you are in the same Directory as cv4pve-diag.

Example Running from the Root Directory:
root@debian:/# /cv4pvediag/cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute
                        NOTE: If you are at the Root Directory, use the Directory Path to Run cv4pve-diag

Attention: There is a Slight Delay when using the Tool due to Processing the Information. Please wait for Data to Display.

Install on Windows x86 and x64

Step 1 - Download the Lastest Zip File or  to a Directory of your Choice:

         x86 Version:
         Option A - Click On File to Download:
                    NOTE: Select under Assets and Choose Lastest Version
         Option B - Direct Downlod:
                    NOTE: x.x.x is the Version Number

                    Example Option B for v1.4.8:   

         x64 Version:
         Option A - Click On File to Download:
                    NOTE: Select under Assets and Choose Lastest Version
         Option B - Direct Downlod:
                    NOTE: x.x.x is the Version Number

		    Example Option B for v1.4.8:    

Step 2 - Run the Diagnostic Tool:

         Example for x86 Version Running in PowerShell:         
C:\cv4pve-diag.exe-win-x86> .\cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute
                            NOTE: The .\ in front of the Command cv4pve-diag is needed.
                                  It is Recommened to Run the Tool in PowerShell
                                  when Outputing in Text Mode for proper Displaying of the Data.
                                  You can use CMD(DOS Terminal) however there is a Limatation of Displaying correctly. 

         Example for x86 Version Running in CMD(DOS Terminal):
C:\cv4pve-diag.exe-win-x86> cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute 
                            NOTE:  .\ in front of the Command cv4pve-diag is not needed.                                  

Attention: There is a Slight Delay when using the Tool due to Processing the Information. Please wait for Data to Display.
| Id                             | Description                                                  | Context | SubContext   | Gravity  |
| pve2                           | 1 Replication has errors                                     | Node    | Replication  | Critical |
| pve2                           | Zfs 'rpool' health problem                                   | Node    | Zfs          | Critical |
| 312                            | Unknown resource qemu                                        | Qemu    | Status       | Critical |
| pve3                           | Node not online                                              | Node    | Status       | Warning  |
| local-zfs:vm-117-disk-1        | Image Orphaned                                               | Storage | Image        | Warning  |
| local-zfs:vm-105-disk-3        | Image Orphaned                                               | Storage | Image        | Warning  |
| 121                            | Qemu Agent not enabled                                       | Qemu    | Agent        | Warning  |
| 101                            | OS 'XP/2003' not mantained from vendor!                      | Qemu    | Agent        | Warning  |
| 101                            | Qemu Agent not enabled                                       | Qemu    | Agent        | Warning  |
| 103                            | cv4pve-autosnap not configured                               | Qemu    | AutoSnapshot | Warning  |
| 115                            | vzdump backup not configured                                 | Qemu    | Backup       | Warning  |
| 205                            | vzdump backup not configured                                 | Qemu    | Backup       | Warning  |
| 103                            | vzdump backup not configured                                 | Qemu    | Backup       | Warning  |
| 313                            | vzdump backup not configured                                 | Qemu    | Backup       | Warning  |
| 117                            | Unused disk0                                                 | Qemu    | Hardware     | Warning  |
| 115                            | Cdrom mounted                                                | Qemu    | Hardware     | Warning  |
| 121                            | 10 snapshots older than 1 month                              | Qemu    | Snapshot     | Warning  |
| 313                            | 10 snapshots older than 1 month                              | Qemu    | Snapshot     | Warning  |
| 500                            | Start on boot not enabled                                    | Qemu    | StartOnBoot  | Warning  |
| 117                            | Start on boot not enabled                                    | Qemu    | StartOnBoot  | Warning  |
| 114                            | 10 snapshots older than 1 month                              | Lxc     | Snapshot     | Warning  |
| pve1                           | 3 Update availble                                            | Node    | Update       | Info     |
| pve2                           | 6 Update availble                                            | Node    | Update       | Info     |
| 109                            | For more performance switch 'scsi0' hdd to VirtIO            | Qemu    | VirtIO       | Info     |


For change default settings can create file using create-settings command. Edit settings.json file and execute new settings using parameter --settings-file.

Ignore Issue

For ignore issues create file using create-ignored-issues command. Edit ignored-issues.json file and execute using parameter --ignored-issues-file. The regex rule is used for match in Id,SubContext,Description.

    "Id": "105",
    "Context": "Qemu",
    "SubContext": "Protection",
    "Description": null,
    "Gravity": "Critical"

Execution with file parameter

Is possible execute with file parameter

root@debian:~# cv4pve-diag @FileParameter.parm

File FileParameter.parm



Diagnostic tool for Proxmox VE







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  • C# 98.1%
  • PowerShell 1.9%