Mail-In-A-Box custom DNS API provider
This package implements the libdns interfaces for Mail-In-A-Box custom DNS API, allowing you to manage DNS records.
import (
func GetSubDomains() []string {
zone := "[your mailinabox root domain]." // <- note the trailing .
provider := &mailinabox.Provider{
APIURL: "https://[your mailinabox box]/admin",
EmailAddress: "[create a special account on your box for managing domains]",
Password: "[password of the special dns account]",
TOTPSecret: "[TOTP secret for multifactor authentication]",
records, err := provider.GetRecords(context.TODO(), zone)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error fetching records: %s", err)
return nil
subDomains := make([]string, len(records))
for i, record := range records {
subDomains[i] = record.Name
return subDomains