- Official Packet Tracer Tutorials - The official Packet Tracer documentation.
The built-in help for Packet Tracer provides an in-depth look at many topics. It can be accessed from Packet Tracer via Help > Contents.
- Cisco Packet Tracer Extensions API Documentation - Official documentation for the Extensions API.
- PTAlignToGrid - Neatens logical workspaces by aligning items to grid.
- PTBuilder - Provides simple JavaScript functions and a code editor to automate the creation of networks.
- PTBridge - Bridge Packet Tracer networks to real networks. GitHub repo here.
- ptremote - Setup Packet Tracer on a server and provide users with remote access to the GUI.
- pka2xml - Convert Packet Tracer pka and pkt files into XML and vice versa.
- ptfakegoogle - A fake Google search page that can easily be added to your activities/labs.
- CCNAv7 labs - Contains all the CCNAv7 packet tracer and lab activities in the course (mostly PKA, some PKT).
- des1-gner Cisco Packet Tracer labs - A huge selection of PKA and PKT lab files.
- PacketTracerNetwork.com - About 20 PKA labs covering basic routing/switching, VPN, ASA devices, and WLAN w/ RADIUS.
- Practical Networking Packet Tracer Labs - Provides video tutorials to go with a number of lab activities supplied in PKT format.