Command | Description |
kubectl config view |
Show the current kubeconfig file |
kubectl config get-contexts |
List all contexts in the kubeconfig file |
kubectl config current-context |
Show the current context |
kubectl config use-context <context> |
Change the current context |
kubectl config set-context <context> --namespace=<namespace> |
Set the namespace for a context |
kubectl config set-context <context> --cluster=<cluster> |
Set the cluster for a context |
kubectl config set-context <context> --user=<user> |
Set the user for a context |
kubectl config set-context <context> --namespace=<namespace> --cluster=<cluster> --user=<user> |
Set all context properties |
Command | Description |
kubectl cluster-info |
Display addresses of the master and services |
kubectl get nodes |
List all nodes in the cluster |
kubectl get pods |
List all pods in the cluster |
kubectl get services |
List all services in the cluster |
kubectl get deployments |
List all deployments in the cluster |
kubectl get namespaces |
List all namespaces in the cluster |
kubectl get events |
List all events in the cluster |
Command | Description |
kubectl apply -f <file> |
Apply a configuration file |
kubectl delete -f <file> |
Delete a configuration file |
kubectl get <resource> |
List all resources of a type |
kubectl describe <resource> <name> |
Describe a resource |
kubectl edit <resource> <name> |
Edit a resource |
kubectl exec -it <pod> -- <command> |
Execute a command in a pod |
Command | Description |
kubectl run <name> --image=<image> |
Create a new pod |
kubectl delete pod <name> |
Delete a pod |
kubectl get pod <name> |
Get details of a pod |
kubectl describe pod <name> |
Describe a pod |
kubectl logs <name> |
Show logs of a pod |
kubectl exec -it <name> -- /bin/bash |
Execute a command in a pod |
kubectl cp <pod>:<source> <destination> |
Copy files from a pod |
kubectl top node |
Show metrics for all nodes |
kubectl top pod |
Show metrics for all pods |
kubectl top pod <name> |
Show metrics for a specific pod |
Command | Description |
kubectl expose pod <name> --port=444 --target-port=555 |
Expose a pod as a service |
kubectl delete service <name> |
Delete a service |
kubectl get service <name> |
Get details of a service |
kubectl describe service <name> |
Describe a service |
Command | Description |
kubectl create deployment <name> --image=<image> |
Create a new deployment |
kubectl delete deployment <name> |
Delete a deployment |
kubectl get deployment <name> |
Get details of a deployment |
kubectl describe deployment <name> |
Describe a deployment |
kubectl scale deployment <name> --replicas=3 |
Scale a deployment to 3 replicas |
kubectl rollout status deployment/<name> |
Check the status of a deployment rollout |
kubectl rollout history deployment/<name> |
Show the history of a deployment rollout |
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<name> |
Rollback a deployment to the previous version |
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<name> --to-revision=1 |
Rollback a deployment to a specific revision |
Command | Description |
kubectl create namespace <name> |
Create a new namespace |
kubectl delete namespace <name> |
Delete a namespace |
kubectl get namespace <name> |
Get details of a namespace |
kubectl describe namespace <name> |
Describe a namespace |