Edge detection - Code: edge_detection.py Output: will be displayed in imshow, when the program is executed.
Sift - Code: sift.py Output: images stored in the image folder in the same directory. 1) Gaussian blurred images of different octaves 2) Images with detected key points 3) Original images with key point
Template Matching -
- Reads images from the task3 folder, which has the template(template.png)
image files in task3 with the name seta_ans_i.jpg, will have cursors marked. Please change the name of file_name from 'task3/pos_%d.jpg' to 'task3/neg_%d.jpg'
Bonus - Code: bonus_template_matching_cursor3.py bonus_template_matching_cursor1.py bonus_template_matching_cursor2.py Output: task3_bonus has all the outputfiles as following task3_bonus/t3_ans_%d.jpg task3_bonus/t2_ans_%d.jpg task3_bonus/t1_ans_%d.jpg Please change the name of file_name from 'task3/pos_%d.jpg' to 'task3/neg_%d.jpg'