supported version
source ./devel/setup.bash
python ./ --input_dir ../data/mocap_env1_comb/ --gt_pose --imu --joint --rgb
use the command above to record data in the form of rosbag. Options are provided!
Tag | Sensor | Data Type |
--gt_pose | ground truth 🎥 | PoseStamped.msg |
--imu | IMU unit | Imu.msg |
--joint | joint angle of mini-cheetah 🐶 | JointState.msg |
--event | event camera 📷 | Event.msg |
--depth | depth camera 📷 | Image.msg |
--rgb | RGB camera 📷 | Image.msg |
--lidar | Lidar data | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 |
P.S. 😞 Attention! since pyros require python2.7 while dv-processing is not supported by python2.7. Users need to read from event data as txt as follows
then use the above command to record event data.
You need to build and source this workspace before next move
- get event.txt
python3 ./ --input_dir ../data/mocap_env1_comb/
- record event data
python ./ --input_dir ../data/mocap_env1_comb/ --event
You may use third-party cpp project to transfer aedat4 file to rosbag and merge the event bad with your target
For now, you can only merge two rosbag
rosbag play output.bag
rosbag info output.bag
rosbag echo <topic name>
python ./ --input_dir ../data/mocap_env1_comb/
python ./ --input_dir ../data/mocap_env1_comb/