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Documentation AutoCD


What is AutoCD and what can it do for me? Docker and Kubernetes are everywhere, everybody wants to use it but it is not always simple to write a fitting docker file that satisfies all constrains. Even though it would be possible do generate an image by coping and pasting all the bits you might need, the chance of an error are not insignificant. To prevent errors like that and to make docker/kubernetes more accessible we created AutoCD.

AutoCD helps you to get your project ready for your k8s cluster. The program will automatically generate a fitting docker image and deploy that to your cluster. Therefor AutoCD detects the project language (Java 8+, Go, Vue.js, Node.js are supported) and uses the matching, predefined docker image (if there is none found within your root folder), to deploy the project to your cluster. It can also take down old, not used projects from the cluster. All you have to do to use AutoCD is, to include it into your gitlab-ci.yml file and, if you have one, include a JSON file for configure AutoCD. The JSON file allows you to make specific changes to the configuration (e.g. port, volumes).


If you want to integrate AutoCD to your project, you need to adjust the gitlab-ci.yml. Add the following to the .script option.

    - curl -o app.jar
    - java -jar app.jar ${KUBE_URL} ${KUBE_TOKEN} ${KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE} ${BUILDTYPE}

This will download and execute the AutoCD tool. All other variables will be obtained from your global GitLab configuration. The final configuration should look like this:

image: fredlahde/dind-java
  - docker:dind


  - deploy-prod
  - deploy-dev

  stage: deploy
    - apk add curl
    - apk add git
    - git --no-pager show $(git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 2 | tail -n 1):autocd.json 2>/dev/null 1>oldautocd.json || true
  environment: default #Needed for CI to autopopulate KUBE_ fields
    - docker-build-runner
    - curl -o app.jar
    - java -jar app.jar ${KUBE_URL} ${KUBE_TOKEN} ${KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE} ${BUILDTYPE}

  extends: .deploy
  stage: deploy-prod
    BUILDTYPE: prod
    - master

JSON configuration file example

In case you want change certain values, set them in a JSON file. See the table below for parameters to specify. As an example, here is a JSON file

    "otherImages": [
        "registryImagePath": "redis:latest",
        "containerPort": 6379,
        "servicePort": 6379,
        "publiclyAccessible": "false",
        "serviceName": "redis"
        "registryImagePath": "path/to/registry/service/image",
        "serviceName": "content-service",
        "subdomains": {
          "dev": "",
          "edit": "",
          "stage": ""
        "environmentVariables": {
          "dev": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "dev",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis",
            "SYNC_URL": "http://sync-service"
          "edit": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "stage",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis",
            "SYNC_URL": "http://sync-service",
          "stage": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "prod",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis",
        "registryImagePath": "path/to/registry/service/image",
        "serviceName": "sync-service",
        "subdomains": {
          "dev": "",
          "edit": "",
          "stage": ""
        "environmentVariables": {
          "dev": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "dev",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis"
          "edit": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "stage",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis"
          "stage": {
            "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "prod",
            "REDIS_URL": "redis"
    "containerPort": 3000,
    "environmentVariables": {
      "dev": {
        "ENVIRONMENT": "dev",
        "CONTENT_SERVICE_URL": "",
        "EDITOR_URL": ""
      "edit": {
        "ENVIRONMENT": "edit",
      "stage": {
        "ENVIRONMENT": "stage",
    "serviceName" : "website",
    "subdomains": {
      "dev": "",
      "edit": "",
      "stage": ""

Paramenter for AutoCD

Parameter Function Example Type default
containerPort defines which port should be exposed 8080 int 8080
servicePort defines which port will be exposed to the outside 80 int 80
replicas number of stable sets of replica Pods running at any given time 1 int 1
publiclyAccessible allows to connect from the outside. Note: if false, you will not receive a subdomain true/false Boolean true
terminationGracePeriod time to shut down the container, if exceeded, container will be terminated forcefully 60L long 60L
dockerImagePath Path to the Docker Image(Docker images residing in the root directory will be picked up automatically) path/to/image/ String
registryImagePath Path to images from the registry(note: if this is set inside the root autocd configuration, autocd will not attempt to build a new image) Usually only set in "otherImages" or for debugging String
subdomains maps the environment to a fitting URL "dev": "" String
shouldHost if true, deployment to cluster, not if false true/false boolean true
volumes list of volumes to mount List
environmentVariables define environments variables for a container Map<String, String>
otherImages list of autoCD objects which will be processed recursively List
args define arguments that will run in the Pod "HOSTNAME", "KUBERNETES_PORT" List
serviceName name for your service, can be used as for example: redis to access the redis instance in the cluster String null
subdomain subdomain for your webapp(If none is specified, one will be generated and announced at the end of the CI build String null

Example for a final configuration file generated with AutoCD

  "otherImages": [
      "volumes": [
          "volumeMount": "/var/redis",
          "filePermission": "777"
      "registryImagePath": "redis:latest",
      "args": [
        "--save 15 1",
        "--dir /var/redis"
      "containerPort": 6379,
      "servicePort": 6379,
      "publiclyAccessible": "false",
      "serviceName": "redistest-redis-dev-service"


To run the autoCD.jar, Java 12 is necessary. Variables, for example KUBE_URL, KUBE_TOKEN, KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE, BUILDTYPE should be set in your GitLab deployment variables.

Important Notes

  • The parameter class 'volume' has parameters of its own:

    • volumeMount: name of the Volume
    • volumeSize: size string from k8s (e.g. 1Gi, 100Mi)
    • folderPermission: permissions within the folder
    • retainVolume: boolean value with determines if the volume should be retained after a restart
  • If AutoCD finds any file named '' within your project rood folder, AutoCD will use the file you provide. If there is none, AutoCD will use a default file. However, after executing the, AutoCD expects a compiled project with fitting files (e.g. yourProject.jar inside of /build/libs if it's a Java project).

  • If there is any need for static data (e.g. images, fonts) make sure, that those files are located within the static folder (folder must be named static) inside your project root directory. AutoCD will make sure, that the static folder will be copied onto the pod and available at the working directory.


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