We are an Artificial Intelligence Student Society, founded in 2023 by Jan Karaś at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Currently, we are primarily involved in Computer Vision and NLP projects. Join our Discord server, check out our LinkedIn, and build AI with us!
WAVE is a project development framework designed by our founder, tailored to ambitious student projects.
Project | Description | Deployed demo |
Magical Drones | Satellite photo to map translation tool utilizing GANs on our custom dataset of Polish cities, supervised by ML Engineer Dominik Mielczarek | Comming soon! |
Skryba | README files from GitHub into audio narrations abstractor and transformator utilizing LLM and TTS models | Comming soon! |
House prises | Enhanced real estate price estimation tool utilizing predictive modeling to provide accurate and actionable insights | Comming soon! |
Project | Description | Deployed demo |
Neptun's Eye | ML-powered point cloud segmentation tool. The project has been realized with mentorship from Visimind. It includes not only ML training scripts but also tests, data cards and a desktop application | Desktop app |
Solar Panels Detector | Detecting solar panels from satellite photo datasets utilizing the YOLO model | Gradio Demo |
Fake Face Generator | Generation of non existing faces utilizing Diffusion Models | No Demo |
YouTube Clickbait Remover | Removing clickbait content from YouTube Home page utilizing our plugin | No Demo |
RAG-based Alma Mater Knowledge Search | A RAG implementation designed to assist in retrieving information about our university | No Demo |
Project | Description | Deployed demo |
Face Expression Recognizer | Analysis of a human face in real time with the main goal of detecting and classifying human face expressions | Gradio Demo |
Hate Detection | Leveraging NLP to identify harmful and offensive content using a dataset of banned material from wykop.pl, provided by the Linguistic Engineering and Text Analysis Department (ZILiAT-NASK) | No Demo |