Code to reproduce analyses and figures in "Ecological predictors and functional implications of eye size in deep-sea shrimps" (in review at Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution). Cloning this repository and running the Rmd scripts from the project file should allow you to rully replicate analyses and figures.
The Analyses folder contains 1) four Rmd files with code to replicate anlayses and figures; 2) a folder of html reports generated from these Rmd files that you can open locally to view code and outputs as well as interactive charts, 3) a folder of GitHub readable md files that you can view (code + outputs) on GitHub without downloading the repo.
This folder contains a subfolder of raw data files (used in the first Rmd analysis file) and a tidy data folder (the outputs of the first Rmd analysis file - a pruned phylogeny and a compiled csv file of lens data and ecological trait data ready for analysis).