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Update linters for VS Code, move files from kobo-common into kpi #5177

Update linters for VS Code, move files from kobo-common into kpi

Update linters for VS Code, move files from kobo-common into kpi #5177

Workflow file for this run

name: npm-test
branches: [ master, beta ]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
# We need this particular version, as npm 8.5.5 is the last version
# that works with our package.json :sadface:.
node-version: '16.15.0'
cache: 'npm'
- uses: browser-actions/setup-chrome@latest
- run: chrome --version
- name: Check for cached node_modules
id: cache-nodemodules
uses: actions/cache@v3
cache-name: cache-node-modules
path: node_modules
key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json', 'patches/**/*.patch') }}
- name: Install JavaScript dependencies (npm install)
if: steps.cache-nodemodules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: npm install
- name: Run copy-fonts (if using cached node_modules)
if: steps.cache-nodemodules.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
run: npm run copy-fonts
- name: Build Prod
run: SKIP_TS_CHECK=true npm run build
- name: Check TypeScript # Separated for visibility
run: npm run check-types
- name: Check ESLint, errors only
run: npm run lint -- --quiet
- name: Build Tests
run: npx webpack --config webpack/test.config.js
- name: Run Tests, with mocha-chrome
run: npx mocha-chrome test/tests.html --chrome-launcher.connectionPollInterval=5000
# This step takes less than 1 minute if it succeeds, but will hang for
# 6 hours if it fails with 'No inspectable targets'
# Timeout early to make it easier to manually re-run jobs.
# Tracking issue:
timeout-minutes: 1