Yuyo is a implementation of Programing Language Scheme aiming at being used in Go.
Also it is easy to use and works well as stand-alone.
(but experimental implementation for now)
To install yuyo interpreter, just use the following:
$ go get github.com/koji-m/yuyo
Or it's possible to install as following:
$ git clone https://github.com/koji-m/yuyo.git
$ cd yuyo
$ go install
Then yuyo command file is installed to $GOPATH/bin .
(Environment variable $GOPATH is required to be set in advance.)
Now you can test it using:
$ $GOPATH/bin/yuyo version
Yuyo can be used as stand-alone Scheme interpreter as well as
built-in language for Go.
(In this section, I suppose that the $PATH is set appropriately.)
###Using stand-alone interpreter
To invoke the interative session of yuyo (invoke REPL), just enter:
$ yuyo
This brings up a prompt yuyo>
. You can enter Scheme expressions and
test it interactively.
To exit the interactive session, enter Ctrl-D
to terminate yuyo.
You can use the interpreter to run Scheme script file as following:
$ yuyo foo.scm
(running foo.scm Scheme script file)
For more information about the usage, use:
$ yuyo help
###Using in Go
Simplest way to use yuyo to evaluate the Scheme expression in Go
program is that, firstly import the "yuyocore" package into, then
invoke the "Run" method in your program. For the following example
evaluates the Scheme expression (let ((x 2) (y 3.14)) (+ x y))
prints the result.
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
inum int64 = 2
fnum float64 = 3.14
res, err := yuyocore.Run("(let ((x #:i) (y #:f)) (+ x y))", inum, fnum)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("result is", res.(float64))
Other than the method described above (one shot evaluation), you can evaluate expressions continually like following. In this case, the status, environment etc., is preserved until the VM object (the value of m in the following case) is abondoned.
package main
import (
func main() {
m := yuyocore.Init()
exp := `(define (fib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))`
res, done := yuyocore.ReadEval(exp, m)
if !done {
fmt.Println(yuyocore.ExtRepr(res)) //print #<closure> (value of define syntax)
exp = "(fib 30)"
res, done = yuyocore.ReadEval(exp, m)
if !done {
fmt.Println(yuyocore.IntnumVal(res)) //print 832040 (value of 30th fibonacci number)
Yuyo is a experimental application of Scheme interpreter.
Its design is based on the stack-based model. My implementation is
naive and supporting syntaxes and procedures are very insufficicent
at this stage.
I intend to gradually implement the features in future.
#####supporting syntaxes
quote( ' ) quasiquote( ` ) lambda if set! define cond case and or
let let* letrec begin do
#####supporting procedures
eqv? number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact?
char=? pair? null? list? = < + - cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
list length append reverse memv list->vector call/cc display
#####implementation plan candidate
- Multiple return values
- Hygienic macro
- Procedures specified in R7RS
Yuyo is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.