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marzipankaiser committed Mar 7, 2024
1 parent 8d45ecf commit 57a0f2f
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 194 deletions.
215 changes: 21 additions & 194 deletions src/Backend/VM/FromCore.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ import Core.Core
import Core.Pretty
import Core.CoreVar

type CommentDoc = Doc
type ConditionDoc = Doc -> Doc -> Doc -- cd thn els

type ConditionDoc = Doc -> Doc -> Doc -- `cd thn els` gets you the doc

debug :: Bool
debug = True
Expand All @@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ externalNames

vmFromCore :: BuildType -> Maybe (Name,Bool) -> [Import] -> Core -> Doc
vmFromCore buildType mbMain imports core
= runAsm (Env moduleName penv externalNames False) (genModule buildType mbMain imports core)
= runAsm (Env moduleName penv externalNames) (genModule buildType mbMain imports core)
moduleName = coreProgName core
penv = Pretty.defaultEnv{ Pretty.context = moduleName, Pretty.fullNames = False }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,10 +86,11 @@ genModule buildType mbMain imports core
-- Generate import definitions
libName imp = (var (str ("import$" ++ imp)) (tpe "Ptr"))
genLoadLibs :: [Import] -> Asm [Doc]
genLoadLibs imports = return $ map genLoadLib $ imports
genLoadLibs imports = return $ map genLoadLib imports
where genLoadLib imp = let name = (if null (importPackage imp) then "." else importPackage imp) ++ "/" ++ (moduleNameToPath (importName imp)) in
def (var (str ("import$" ++ show (importName imp))) (tpe "Ptr"))
def (libName (show $ importName imp))
(obj [ "op" .= str "LoadLib"
, "path" .= obj [ "op" .= str "Literal", "type" .= tpe "String", "format" .= str "path", "value" .= str ("$0/" ++ name ++ ".rpyeffect")]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,94 +226,9 @@ getResultX result (puredoc,retdoc)
Nothing -> empty
Just l -> text "break" <+> ppName l <.> semi

tryTailCall :: Result -> Expr -> Asm (Maybe Doc)
tryTailCall result expr
= case expr of
-- Tailcall case 1
App (Var n info) args | ( case result of
ResultReturn (Just m) _ -> m == getName n && infoArity info == (length args)
_ -> False
-> do let (ResultReturn _ params) = result
stmts <- genOverride params args
return $ Just $ notImplemented $ block $ stmts <-> tailcall

-- Tailcall case 2
App (TypeApp (Var n info) _) args | ( case result of
ResultReturn (Just m) _ -> m == getName n && infoArity info == (length args)
_ -> False
-> do let (ResultReturn _ params) = result
stmts <- genOverride params args
return $ Just $ notImplemented $ block $ stmts <-> tailcall

_ -> return Nothing
-- overriding function arguments carefully
genOverride :: [TName] -> [Expr] -> Asm Doc
genOverride params args
= fmap (debugWrap "genOverride") $
do (stmts, varNames) <- do args' <- mapM tailCallArg args
bs <- mapM genVarBinding args'
return (unzip bs)
docs1 <- mapM genTName params
docs2 <- mapM genTName varNames
let assigns = map (\(p,a)-> if p == a
then debugComment ("genOverride: skipped overriding `" ++ (show p) ++ "` with itself")
else debugComment ("genOverride: preparing tailcall") <.> p <+> text "=" <+> a <.> semi
) (zip docs1 docs2)
return $ notImplemented $
linecomment (text "tail call") <-> list (concat stmts) <-> vcat assigns

-- if local variables are captured inside a tailcalling function argument,
-- we need to capture it by value (instead of reference since we will overwrite the local variables on a tailcall)
-- we do this by wrapping the argument inside another function application.
tailCallArg :: Expr -> Asm Expr
tailCallArg expr
= let captured = filter (not . isQualified . getName) $ tnamesList $ capturedVar expr
in if (null captured)
then return expr
else -- trace ("Backend.JavaScript.FromCore.tailCall: capture: " ++ show captured ++ ":\n" ++ show expr) $
do ns <- mapM (newVarName . show) captured
let cnames = [TName cn tp | (cn,TName _ tp) <- zip ns captured]
sub = [(n,Var cn InfoNone) | (n,cn) <- zip captured cnames]
return $ App (Lam cnames typeTotal (sub |~> expr)) [Var arg InfoNone | arg <- captured]

capturedVar :: Expr -> TNames
capturedVar expr
= case expr of
Lam _ _ _ -> fv expr -- we only care about captures inside a lambda
Let bgs body -> S.unions (capturedVar body : map capturedDefGroup bgs)
Case es bs -> S.unions (map capturedVar es ++ map capturedBranch bs)
App f args -> S.unions (capturedVar f : map capturedVar args)
TypeLam _ e -> capturedVar e
TypeApp e _ -> capturedVar e
_ -> S.empty

capturedDefGroup bg
= case bg of
DefRec defs -> S.difference (S.unions (map capturedDef defs)) (bv defs)
DefNonRec def-> capturedDef def

capturedDef def
= capturedVar (defExpr def)

capturedBranch (Branch pat grds)
= S.difference (S.unions (map capturedGuard grds)) (bv pat)

capturedGuard (Guard test expr)
= S.union (capturedVar test) (capturedVar expr)

-- | Generates a statement from an expression by applying a return context (deeply) inside
genStat :: Result -> Expr -> Asm Doc
genStat result expr
= fmap (debugWrap "genStat") $
do mdoc <- tryTailCall result expr
case mdoc of
Just doc
-> return doc
-> genExprStat result expr
genStat result expr = genExprStat result expr

genExprStat result expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,16 +276,16 @@ genMatch scrutinees branches
| all (\b-> length (branchGuards b) == 1) bs
&& all (\b->isExprTrue $ guardTest $ head $ branchGuards b) bs
-> do xs <- mapM (withStatement . genBranch scrutinees) bs
-> do xs <- mapM (genBranch scrutinees) bs
let bs = foldr (.) id $ (map (\(conds,d) -> (conjunction conds d)) xs)
return $ debugWrap "genMatch: guard-free case"
$ bs $ (appPrim "non-exhaustive match" [] (tpe "Bottom"))

_ -> do bs <- mapM (withStatement . genBranch scrutinees) branches
_ -> do bs <- mapM (genBranch scrutinees) branches
let ds = map (\(cds,stmts)-> if null cds
then stmts
else notImplemented $ text "if" <+> parens (conjunction cds (text "?thn") (text "?els"))
<+> block stmts
-- <+> block stmts
) bs
return $ notImplemented $ debugWrap "genMatch: regular case (with guards)"
(vcat ds)
Expand All @@ -393,7 +307,7 @@ genMatch scrutinees branches
exprSt <- genExpr expr
return $ if isExprTrue t
then exprSt
else notImplemented $ text "if" <+> parens testE <.> block exprSt
else notImplemented $ text "if" -- <+> parens testE <.> block exprSt

-- | Generates a list of boolish expression for matching the pattern
genTest :: Name -> (Doc, Pattern) -> Asm ([ConditionDoc], [(TName, Doc)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,21 +478,6 @@ genList elems tl
(tdoc) <- genExpr tl
return (text "$std_core_vector.vlist" <.> tupled [list docs, tdoc])

genExternalExpr :: TName -> String -> [Expr] -> Asm (Doc,Doc)
genExternalExpr tname format args
| getName tname == nameReturn
= do (statDoc,exprDoc) <- genExpr (head args)
return (statDoc <-> text "return" <+> exprDoc <.> semi <.> debugComment "premature return statement (2)"
, text "") -- emptyness of doc is important! no other way to tell to not generate assignment/return/whatever!
| otherwise
= do (statDocs,argDocs) <- genExprs args
doc <- genExternal tname format argDocs
return ( debugComment "<genExternalExpr.stmt>" <.> vcat statDocs <.> debugComment "</genExternalExpr.stmt>"
, debugComment "<genExternalExpr.expr>" <.> doc <.> debugComment "</genExternalExpr.expr>"

genExprs :: [Expr] -> Asm [Doc]
genExprs exprs = mapM genExpr exprs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,7 +580,7 @@ genWrapExternal tname formats
= do let n = snd (getTypeArities (typeOf tname))
vs <- genVarNames n
(doc) <- genExprExternal tname formats vs
return $ notImplemented $ parens (text "function" <.> tupled vs <+> block (vcat ([text "return" <+> doc <.> semi])))
return $ notImplemented $ parens (text "function" ) -- <.> tupled vs <+> block (vcat ([text "return" <+> doc <.> semi])))

-- inlined external sometimes needs wrapping in a applied function block
genInlineExternal :: TName -> [(Target,String)] -> [Doc] -> Asm Doc
Expand All @@ -699,10 +598,10 @@ genExprExternal tname formats argDocs0
[] -> return (doc)
_ -> -- has an exception type, wrap it in a try handler
let try = parens $
parens (text "function()" <+> block (vcat (
[text "try" <+> block (vcat ([text "return" <+> doc <.> semi]))
,text "catch(_err){ return $std_core._throw_exception(_err); }"]
parens (text "function()") -- <+> block (vcat (
-- [text "try" <+> block (vcat ([text "return" <+> doc <.> semi]))
-- ,text "catch(_err){ return $std_core._throw_exception(_err); }"]
-- )))
<.> text "()"
in return $ notImplemented (try)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -741,16 +640,16 @@ genTName :: TName -> Asm Doc
genTName tname
= do env <- getEnv
case lookup tname (substEnv env) of
Nothing -> genName (getName tname)
Nothing -> genName (getName tname) (tnameType tname)
Just d -> return d

genName :: Name -> Asm Doc
genName name
genName :: Name -> Type -> Asm Doc
genName name tpe
= if (isQualified name)
then do modname <- getModule
if (qualifier name == modname)
then return (ppName (unqualify name))
else return (ppName name)
else return $ obj [ "op" .= str "Qualified", "lib" .= libName (nameModule name), "name" .= (ppName name), "type" .= transformType tpe ]
else return (ppName name)

genVarName :: String -> Asm Doc
Expand All @@ -766,7 +665,7 @@ genVarNames i = do ns <- newVarNames i
genCommentTName :: TName -> Asm Doc
genCommentTName (TName n t)
= do env <- getPrettyEnv
return $ ppName n <+> comment (Pretty.ppType env t )
return $ ppName n -- <+> comment (Pretty.ppType env t )

trimOptionalArgs args
= reverse (dropWhile isOptionalNone (reverse args))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -887,7 +786,6 @@ data St = St { uniq :: Int
data Env = Env { moduleName :: Name -- | current module
, prettyEnv :: Pretty.Env -- | for printing nice types
, substEnv :: [(TName, Doc)] -- | substituting names
, inStatement :: Bool -- | for generating correct function declarations in strict mode

data Result = ResultReturn (Maybe Name) [TName] -- first field carries function name if not anonymous and second the arguments which are always known
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,28 +840,13 @@ getPrettyEnv
= do env <- getEnv
return (prettyEnv env)

withTypeVars :: [TypeVar] -> Asm a -> Asm a
withTypeVars vars asm
= withEnv (\env -> env{ prettyEnv = Pretty.niceEnv (prettyEnv env) vars }) asm

withNameSubstitutions :: [(TName, Doc)] -> Asm a -> Asm a
withNameSubstitutions subs asm
= withEnv (\env -> env{ substEnv = subs ++ substEnv env }) asm

withStatement :: Asm a -> Asm a
withStatement asm
= withEnv (\env -> env{ inStatement = True }) asm

getInStatement :: Asm Bool
= do env <- getEnv
return (inStatement env)

-- Pretty printing

ppLit :: Lit -> Doc
ppLit lit
= case lit of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -992,11 +875,6 @@ ppLit lit
lo = (code `mod` 0x0400) + 0xDC00
in text ("\\u" ++ showHex 4 hi ++ "\\u" ++ showHex 4 lo)

isSmallLitInt expr
= case expr of
Lit (LitInt i) -> isSmallInt i
_ -> False

isSmallInt i = (i > minSmallInt && i < maxSmallInt)

maxSmallInt, minSmallInt :: Integer
Expand All @@ -1009,12 +887,6 @@ ppName name
then ppModName (qualifier name) <.> dot <.> encode False (unqualify name)
else encode False name

ppQName :: Name -> Name -> Doc
ppQName modName name
= if (modName == qualifier name) -- We need to qualify always since otherwise we may clash with local variables. i.e. fun f( x : int ) { Main.x( x ) }
then ppName (unqualify name)
else ppName name

ppModName :: Name -> Doc
ppModName name
= text "$" <.> encode True (name)
Expand All @@ -1023,45 +895,6 @@ encode :: Bool -> Name -> Doc
encode isModule name
= text $ asciiEncode isModule $ show name

block :: Doc -> Doc
block doc
= text "{" <--> tab doc <--> text "}"

tcoBlock :: Doc -> Doc
tcoBlock doc
= text "{ tailcall: while(1)" <->
text "{" <--> tab ( doc ) <--> text "}}"

tailcall :: Doc
tailcall = text "continue tailcall;"

object :: [(Doc, Doc)] -> Doc
object xs
= text "{" <+> hcat ( punctuate (comma <.> space) (map f xs) ) <+> text "}"
f (d1, d2) = d1 <.> colon <+> d2

tab :: Doc -> Doc
tab doc
= indent 2 doc

typeComment = comment

comment :: Doc -> Doc
comment d
= text "/*" <+> d <+> text "*/ "

linecomment :: Doc -> Doc
linecomment d
= text "//" <+> d

debugComment :: String -> Doc
debugComment s
= if debug
then comment (text s)
else empty

debugWrap :: String -> Doc -> Doc
debugWrap s d
= if debug then obj [
Expand All @@ -1070,12 +903,6 @@ debugWrap s d
"annotation" .= str s
] else d

tagField :: Doc
tagField = text "_tag"

constdecl :: Doc
constdecl = text "const"

quoted :: Doc -> Doc
quoted d = text $ show $ asString d

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1143,4 +970,4 @@ tpe name = obj [ "op" .= text (show name) ]

-- | Definitions
def :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
def n v = obj [ "name" .= n, "value" .= v ]
def n v = obj [ "name" .= n, "value" .= v ]

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