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General information

TCFModules is part of the SaltNPepper project. This Pepper module allows the conversion of data provided in the TCF format to Salt, a graph-based data model. TCF is a common XML data exchange format which has been developed within the WebLicht architecture. This module has been developed in cooperation of the Clarin-D center Universität Stuttgart and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
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Copyright 2014 Clarin-D, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Since the here provided module is a plugin for Pepper, you need an instance of the Pepper framework. If you do not already have a running Pepper instance, click on the link below and download the latest stable version (not a SNAPSHOT): SaltNPepper

Install TCFModules

If this Pepper module is not yet contained in your Pepper distribution, you can easily install it. Just open a command line and start pepper.





Pepper will start in command line mode (the command line starts with pepper>). To install this module, type:

update pepperModules-TCFModules

If your Pepper instance is configured for TCFModules, the update process will start. If not, you will read something like this:

pepperModules-TCFModules is not a known module.

To use pepperModules-TCFModules nevertheless, you can start the installation by adding an entry to Pepper's update list with the following command:

update de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper::pepperModules-TCFModules:: 

Note, that the update is performed directly after typing that. From then on you will be able to start updates of pepperModules-TCFModules with update pepperModules-TCFModules.


To use this module in your Pepper workflow, put the following lines into the workflow description file. Note the fixed order of xml elements in the workflow description file: <importer/>, <manipulator/>, <exporter/>. A detailed description of the Pepper workflow can be found on the Pepper project site.

a) Identify the module by name

<importer name="TCFImporter" path="PATH_TO_CORPUS"/>


<exporter name="TCFExporter" path="PATH_TO_CORPUS"/>

c) Use properties

<importer name="TCFImporter" path="PATH_TO_CORPUS">
    <property key="PROPERTY-1_NAME">PROPERTY-1_VALUE</key>
    <property key="PROPERTY-2_NAME">PROPERTY-2_VALUE</key>


Since this Pepper module is under a free license, please feel free to fork it from github and improve the module. If you even think that others can benefit from your improvements, don't hesitate to make a pull request, so that your changes can be merged. If you have found any bugs, or have some feature request, please open an issue on github. If you need any help, please write an e-mail to [email protected].


This project was funded by the Clarin-D project and realized at the department of corpus linguistics and morphology of the Humboldt Universität.


The TCFImporter imports data following the TCF format decribed by the schema into a Salt model.

Mapping to Salt

The importer maps each TCF layer to an SLayer object in Salt. Attributes refering to the TCF layer are stored as meta annotations on the SLayer itself without using a namespace. All annotations contained in the TCF layer are imported as annotations on SToken, SSpan and SStructure objects where the annotation's namespace is (in most cases, cf. table below) the tag's name without the xml namespace and the annotation's name is the attribute's name. E.g.:

<constituent cat="VVFIN" ID="c_1" tokenIDs="t_1"/>

In this case the token is annotated with syntax::cat="VVFIN" in the Salt model. An overview of all TCF-Layers and according SLayers can be found in the following table:

TCF layer namespace of annotation node annotation names edge annotation names meta annotations on SLayer
POSTags saltSemantics POS tagset
lemmas saltSemantics LEMMA
parsing syntax cat tagset
depparsing dependencies func tagset
morphology morphology *
namedEntities named entities class type
references references type rel typetagset, reltagset
synonymy lexical-semantics synonymy (on lemma annotation)
antonymy lexical-semantics antonymy (on lemma annotation)
hyponymy lexical-semantics hyponymy (on lemma annotation)
hyperonymy lexical-semantics hyperonymy (on lemma annotation)
wsd wordSense lexunits, comment src
WordSplittings wordSplittings split type
geo geography alt, lat, lon, continent, country, capital src
discourseconnectives discourseConnectives type tagset
phonetics phonetics pron transcription
textstructure textstructure type
orthography orthography correction


The table below contains an overview of all usable properties to customize the behaviour of this Pepper module. The following section contains a close description to each single property and describes the resulting differences in the mapping to the Salt model.

Name of property Type of property optional/mandatory default value
shrinkTokenAnnotations Boolean optional true


This property influences the import of annotations on single tokens. If it is set true, annotations on single tokens are stored as annotations directly at the token object, whereas a span is build over all tokens for annotations on multiple token . If shrinkTokenAnnotations is set false, also annotations of single tokens are created at a span built over the token.


The TCFExporter exports data from a Salt model to the TCF format decribed by the schema

Mapping from Salt

Each STextualDS in an SDocument is mapped to a single TCF file. In case of an SDocument containing multiple STextualDSs, the files' names will be $DocumentName.[0–9]+.tcf. In the current state the exporter is capable of mapping primary text, tokens, sentences, POS and lemma annotations, which are the basic features for further processing in WebLicht, which TCF was also made for. To enable the exporter to do this, default assumptions about annotations qualified names and values in the provided Salt graph are made, which can be overriden by properties.


The table below contains an overview of all usable properties to customize the behaviour of this Pepper module. The following section contains a close description to each single property and describes the resulting differences in the mapping to TCF.

Name of property Type of property optional/mandatory default value
allow.emptyTokens Boolean optional true
pos.qname String optional "POS"
lemma.qname String optional "LEMMA"
sentence.qname String optional "sentence"
sentence.value String optional "sentence"
textstructure.line.qname String optional "textstructure"
textstructure.line.value String optional "line" String optional "textstructure" String optional "page"


Some importers create SToken objects without any textual content. By setting this property to false, these tokens will be ignored in the export process.


This property contains the qualified name (namespace+"::"+name or simply name if namespace==null) of part of speech annotations.


This property contains the qualified name (namespace+"::"+name or simply name if namespace==null) of lemma annotations.


This property contains the qualified name (namespace+"::"+name or simply name if namespace==null) of SAnnotations marking sentence spans.


This property contains the value of SAnnotations marking sentence spans.


This property contains the qualified name (namespace+"::"+name or simply name if namespace==null) of SAnnotations marking spans containing tokens that form a line.


This property contains the value of SAnnotations marking spans containing tokens that form a line.

This property contains the qualified name (namespace+"::"+name or simply name if namespace==null) of SAnnotations marking spans containing tokens that form a page.

This property contains the value of SAnnotations marking spans containing tokens that form a page.