This repository is part of the wider exporting architecture for the Krateo Composable FinOps and manages the creation of the scrapers reading the FOCUS cost reports from the Prometheus Exporters.
This component is tasked with the creation of a generic scraper, according to the description given in a Custom Resource (CR). After the creation of the CR, the operator reads the "scraper" configuration part and creates two resources: a deployment with a generic prometheus scraper inside and a configmap containing the configuration. The scraper parses the prometheus data and obtains the given database-config to upload all metrics to a database.
kind: DatabaseConfig
name: # DatabaseConfig name
namespace: # DatabaseConfig namespace
username: # username string
passwordSecretRef: # object reference to secret with password
name: # secret name
namespace: # secret namespace
key: # secret key
kind: ScraperConfig
name: # ScraperConfig name
namespace: # ScraperConfig namespace
tableName: # tableName in the database to upload the data to
api: # the API to call with the prometheus exporter
path: # the path inside the domain
verb: GET # the method to call the API with
endpointRef: # secret with the url in the format http(s)://host:port
pollingInterval: # time duration, e.g., 12h30m
scraperDatabaseConfigRef: # See above kind DatabaseConfig
name: # name of the databaseConfigRef CR
namespace: # namespace of the databaseConfigRef CR
The Composable FinOps can be used to display pricing in the Krateo Composable Portal cards through a dedicated composition. You can find out more here: krateo-v2-template-finops-example-pricing-vm-azure.
- go version v1.21.0+
- docker version 17.03+.
- kubectl version v1.11.3+.
- Access to a Kubernetes v1.11.3+ cluster.
You need to install CrateDB in the cluster and configure the finops-database-handler.
$ helm repo add krateo
$ helm repo update krateo
$ helm install finops-operator-scraper krateo/finops-operator-scraper
The database-config CR is required.
The scraper container is created in the namespace of the CR. The scraper container looks for a secret in the CR namespace called registry-credentials
, configurable in the HELM chart.