A NodeJS based ZigBee Toolkit & Command Line Interface (CLI) for general use.
When I started exploring ZigBee, my general understanding was that ZigBee is an open standard. So finding my way into the inner workings should have been as easy as reading up on a couple of specification documents. Soon it turned out that except a few, notable, exceptions, coherent information about the standard and especially reference implementations of its (cryptographic) algorithms was scattered far and sparse. A lot of information seems to be held back behind the "being or becoming a member of the ZigBee alliance" paywall.
With this toolkit I wanted to provide an easy to grasp pseudo-reference (aka "as far as my understanding goes") implementation of some of the algorithms defined in the ZigBee specification / standard, mainly referencing three documents, the ZigBee, ZigBee Base Device Behavior and the ZigBee Cluster Library specifications. Other helpful documents (most notably by Silicon Labs), can be found in the docs
The toolkit / packet capture cap.js
requires a local PCAP (Packet Capture) library / binding:
- For Linux / Unix install
, e.g. on Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
- On Windows, we recommend Npcap with WinPcap compatibility
Install globally to use ZigBee Toolkit CLI:
npm install -g zbtk
Or run directly with npx
/ yarn dlx
npx zbtk
# Yarn
yarn dlx zbtk
In case you want to use the API, add the package to your project using your package manager of choice:
npm install zbtk
# Yarn
yarn add zbtk
The basic structure of this toolkit is as follows: Each file provided can be either used as a standalone NodeJS import / library and / or as a tool to use via the command line (CLI). The toolkit currently contains the following tools:
: Packet / Attribute (to MQTT) Capturecluster.js
: Cluster Library Name and Attributescrypto.js
: Encrypt / Decrypt Packetsformat.js
: Format ICs / EUIs / ...hash.js
: Hash / Checksum Calculationic.js
: Install Code Utilitiesparse.js
: Packet Binary Parsertype.js
: Determine Packet Type
All tools are exposed via the zbtk
command line:
zbtk <tool>
zbtk cap [device] Packet / Attribute (to MQTT) Capture
zbtk cluster <id> Cluster Library Name and Attributes
zbtk encrypt [data] Encrypt Packet
zbtk decrypt [data] Decrypt Packet
zbtk format <type> [data] Format ICs / EUIs / ...
zbtk hash [type] [data] Hash / Checksum Calculation
zbtk ic <action> [install-code] Install Code Utilities
zbtk parse [data] Packet Binary Parser
zbtk type [data] Determine Packet Type
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Packet / Attribute (to MQTT) Capture
This tool is used to capture ZigBee packets using a (P)CAP compatible capture device, e.g. a Ubisys IEEE 802.15.4 Wireshark USB Stick (see tested capture devices), optionally parsing the packet contents, decrypting the received packet with (pre-defined) Network Keys and publishing the packets and / or parsed attributes of the packets via the EventEmitter
interface and / or via MQTT to an external event stream.
(P)CAP Network Interface -> ZBTK cap.js
(-> parse (-> decrypt (-> extract attributes)))
(-> Console Log)
(-> EventEmitter)
(-> MQTT)
The captured raw / binary packet data may be published / emitted, based on the emit
options. Packet contents can be automatically parsed into an object model / structure. In case the content contains encrypted data, an attempt is made to decrypt the data with any pre-shared key provided. Attributes can be extracted from WRITE
attribute(s) packets and forwarded to the eventing interface. This last feature is especially helpful to mimic a ZigB
ee2MQTT-style event stream for ZigBee networks that you don't want to replace the coordinator / bridge for. See the application examples for when this becomes useful.
import { open as openCap } from 'zbtk/cap';
// set pre-configured keys for automatic decryption either via the
// import { pk } from 'zbtk/crypto';
// pk('D0:D1:D2:D3:D4:D5:D6:D7:D8:D9:DA:DB:DC:DD:DE:DF');
const capSession = await openCap('device-id', {
bufferSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // in bytes, defaults to 10 MB
emit: ['attribute'], // defaults to "attribute", one, multiple of: "data", "packet", "attribute"
out: {
log: ['packet'], // defaults to ['info'], true to emit what in the emit array + info logging, or array / string similar to emit options
mqtt: { // defaults to null
url: 'mqtt://localhost:1883', // see https://www.npmjs.com/package/mqtt#connect url
options: { // see https://www.npmjs.com/package/mqtt#connect options
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'
client: null, // as an alternative for providing out.mqtt.url, pass in the client to use, in case you would like to re-use an existing client
topic: 'zbtk' // (base) topic to publish messages
The returned capSession
acts as a EventEmitter
, that emits all events of the emit
capSession.on('data', function(data, context) {
// the raw / unparsed packet data, in case the packet was
// parsed (e.g. due to "packet" being set in the emit
// options), context already includes the parsed packet
const { packet, type } = context;
capSession.on('packet', function(packet, context) {
// parsed / decrypted in case "packet" is set in the emit
// options and decrypted in case of any pre-configured key
// matched to decrypt the packet contents. context includes:
const { data, type } = context;
It emits the raw / binary packet contents as Buffer
and / or parsed and / or decrypted packet as an Object
. In case attribute
is part of the emit
option the capSession
publishes all attributes captured from WRITE
packets to:
capSession.on('attribute', function(attr, context) {
const {
id, // the 2-byte ID of the attribute in the cluster (in big-endian notation)
type, // the 2-byte type of the attribute
value // the parsed value (string, number, Buffer, ...)
} = attr;
// the context includes further information about the attribute:
const {
data, // the raw data buffer of the packet
packet, // the full parsed packet
type: packetType, // the packet type
eui, // the EUI-64 of the device this attribute was read from / written to
addr, // the internal network address of the device
cluster, // the ZigBee cluster ID of the attribute (in big-endian notation)
profile, // the ZigBee cluster profile of the attribute (in big-endian notation)
write // true in case the attribute was captured on a write packet to the device, otherwise was either a report / read attribute packet
} = context;
In case out.log
is set, emits are also print to stdout
/ console. out.log
may include different options than emit
, e.g. set out.log
to data
to print out the binary data of each packet to console, while emitting the parsed attributes to the eventing interface or MQTT if the out.mqtt
option is set. Note that the packet always gets parsed in case either emit
or out.log
contains packet
or attribute
, or in case a filter
is set.
To close the capture session any MQTT client created, invoke the .close()
await capSession.close();
zbtk cap [device]
Packet / Attribute (to MQTT) Capture
device Capture device to use [string]
--list-devices, --list List all available capture devices [boolean]
-e, --emit Events to emit to MQTT
[array] [choices: "data", "packet", "attribute"] [default: ["attribute"]]
-l, --log Log outputs, defaults "info", if no output MQT
T also to "packet", --no-log to disable
[array] [choices: false, "data", "packet", "attribute", "info", "warn", "error", "verbose"]
-f, --filter Filter packets to emit / log (whence expressio
n) [string]
-h, --mqtt-host MQTT broker host [string]
-p, --mqtt-port MQTT broker port [number] [default: 1883]
-u, --mqtt-username, --user, --mqtt-user MQTT broker username [string]
--mqtt-password, --pw, --pass, --mqtt-pw, --mq MQTT broker password
tt-pass [string]
-t, --mqtt-topic MQTT topic [string] [default: "zbtk"]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk cap --list-devices List all available capture devices
zbtk cap '\Device\NPF_{83B280A6-6C08-4F7A-A8F2-9C8 Capture non-WPAN packets and print them to con
8E12998CD}' --filter 'type != \"WPAN_ACK\" && type sole
zbtk cap /dev/en0 --emit attribute --mqtt-host loc Capture packets from /dev/en0 and emit capture
alhost --mqtt-user user --mqtt-password password d attributes to an MQTT broker
To enable automatic decryption of packets, set the pre-configured keys for your network via the ZBTK_CRYPTO_PKS
environment variables.
- See
, to pre-configure keys for automatic packet decryption. ZBTK_CAP_PASS_NO_EUI
by defaultcap.js
will attempt to only emit / publish the known IEEE EUI-64 IDs of any device (often printed as a label on the device). The tool will attempt to map given network packets to the devices EUI by creating what is called an address table. In case a device is not present in the address table yet, an error is emitted. To pass the internal network address instead of the EUI set this environment variable.ZBTK_FORMAT_EUI_SEPARATOR
, for EUI separator style when publishing e.g. to MQTT.
Cluster Library Name and Attributes
This tool provides information about clusters of the ZigBee Cluster Library according to its specification document. It will map a given Cluster ID to a human-readable name, as well as provide information about the clusters attributes mapping the Attribute ID and its human-readable name.
import getCluster from 'zbtk/cluster';
const cluster = getCluster(0x0001);
cluster.name === 'Power Configuration';
cluster.get(0x0000) === 'Mains Voltage';
zbtk cluster <id>
Cluster Library Name and Attributes
id Cluster ID [string] [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-a, --attributes, --attr, --attrs List the attributes for the given cluster [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk cluster 0x0001 Get the name for the given cluster ID
zbtk cluster 0x0002 --attributes Get the name and attributes for the given cluster ID
Encrypt / Decrypt Frames
This tool encrypts and decrypts ZigBee packet contents. According to the ZigBee Cluster Library specification, the payload of ZigBee Network Layer (NWK) Data frames may be encrypted using an AES-based encryption scheme. To perform encryption and decryption, a so-called Network Key is required.
The security level of a ZigBee network determines how this Network Key is determined. In some cases, a well-known key — one that is publicly available, shared, and never changing — is used for encryption and decryption. Alternatively, the key is exchanged dynamically between the ZigBee device, router, and network coordinator using a secure protocol. Multiple key exchange mechanisms exist.
In the most basic form, the well-known ZigBee transport key (also known as the "Trust Center link key" or the ZigBeeAlliance09
key) is used to establish a secure connection, after which a randomly generated or custom transport key replaces it for all further communication. This ensures that only the initial key exchange relies on the well-known key.
For an additional layer of security, a devices Install Code can be used to generate a Temporary Link Key, which replaces the well-known transport key during the initial key exchange. This method is discussed and demonstrated in the Application Examples section.
The initialization vector (IV) for the cryptographic operation is derived from the unencrypted header information of the ZigBee packet. This includes the (extended) sender address, the frame counter, and the security control field. Additionally, ZigBee security ensures that most of the network control header is authenticated using a Message Integrity Code (MIC). This mechanism helps prevent tampering and replay attacks by verifying the authenticity of the transmitted data.
For example take this full encrypted "Read Attributes Response" ZigBee Cluster Library network packet:
0000 48 22 00 00 47 49 1e 12 28 ef a0 05 00 2b d6 18
0010 fe ff 27 87 04 00 fa 5e 63 9d 2f 33 14 39 63 21
0020 f6 e8 2e 41 e2 4e 3a ea 20 11 51 f9 ec 56 9a
The 7th bit of the first two bytes (the so called frame control field 48 22
) indicate that the content is encrypted. In order to decrypt the packet we need:
- We ignore the
00 00
(source address),47 49
(target address),1e
(radius) and12
(sequence number) bytes - And take the security header starting with
(security control field),ef a0 05 00
(frame counter),2b d6 18 fe ff 27 87 04
(extended source address) and00
(key sequence number) - Now follows the to be encrypted content
fa 5e 63 9d 2f 33 14 39 63 21 f6 e8 2e 41 e2 4e 3a ea 20 11 51
, up until the last 4 bytesf9 ec 56 9a
being the message integrity code (MIC)
In order to decrypt the content we need the following input parameters:
, in this case:52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4
(previously captured, see the full Application Examples below)src64
, the extended source address, so2bd618feff278704
, the frame counter, soefa00500
, the security control field, so28
, the additional auth. data, which in this case is the whole network + security header, starting48 22 ... 04 00
, so4822000047491e1228efa005002bd618feff27870400
, the to be decrypted data, sofa5e639d2f3314396321f6e82e41e24e3aea201151
, the message integrity codef9ec569a
This, after passing it to the decrypt function / CLI, provides us with the decrypted message / cluster frame response:
0000 40 02 05 0b 04 01 01 79 08 3d 01 1c 01 00 20 9c
0010 1d 01 00 28 c3
The same algorithm is applied in reverse to encrypt the packet.
import { encrypt, decrypt } from 'zbtk/crypto';
const nk = Buffer.from('52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4', 'hex');
const src64 = Buffer.from('0db123feffa7db28', 'hex');
const fc = Buffer.from('148a0700', 'hex');
const scf = Buffer.from('28', 'hex');
const aad = Buffer.from('48220000777f1e2028148a07000db123feffa7db2800', 'hex');
const data = Buffer.from('4235bf415d82f5f46c205476a2e6e3d23bfa', 'hex');
const mic = Buffer.from('1d37730e', 'hex');
decrypt(data, nk, src64, fc, scf, aad, mic).equals(Buffer.from('40020102040101ef0c2112100a014029a806', 'hex'));
// use encrypt(...) with the same parameterization, to encrypt the packet again
In order to register pre-configured keys, i.e. well-known network keys, used in the parse.js
tool for decrypting network packets on the fly, use the pk()
import { pks, pk } from 'zbtk/crypto';
const nk = Buffer.from('52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4', 'hex');
pk(nk); // register the network key as pre-configured key
zbtk encrypt [data]
Encrypt Packet
data Data to encrypt [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--network-key, --nk Network Key (i.e. temp. Link Key) [string] [required]
--ext-address, --src64 Extended IEEE Sender Address (8 bytes) [string] [required]
--frame-counter, --fc Frame Counter (4 bytes) [string] [required]
--sec-ctrl-field, --scf Security Control Field (1 byte) [string] [required]
--add-auth-data, --aad Additional Authenticated Data [string] [required]
--mic-length, --mic Message Integrity Code Length [number] [default: 4]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk encrypt --nk 52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4 Encrypt the given data
--src64 0db123feffa7db28 --fc 148a0700 --scf 28 -
-aad 48220000777f1e2028148a07000db123feffa7db2800
echo -n 40020102040101ef0c2112100a014029a806 | zbt Decrypt the given data
k encrypt --nk 52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4 --
src64 0db123feffa7db28 --fc 148a0700 --scf 28 --aa
d 48220000777f1e2028148a07000db123feffa7db2800
zbtk decrypt [data]
Decrypt Packet
data Data to decrypt [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--network-key, --nk Network Key (i.e. temp. Link Key) [string] [required]
--ext-address, --src64 Extended IEEE Sender Address (8 bytes) [string] [required]
--frame-counter, --fc Frame Counter (4 bytes) [string] [required]
--sec-ctrl-field, --scf Security Control Field (1 byte) [string] [required]
--add-auth-data, --aad Additional Authenticated Data [string] [required]
--msg-int-code, --mic Message Integrity Code Length [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk decrypt --nk 52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4 --src64 0db123feffa7db28 --fc 148a0700 --scf
28 --aad 48220000777f1e2028148a07000db123feffa7db2800 --mic 1d37730e 4235bf415d82f5f46c205476a2e
echo -n 4235bf415d82f5f46c205476a2e6e3d23bfa | zbtk decrypt --nk 52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff
4 --src64 0db123feffa7db28 --fc 148a0700 --scf 28 --aad 48220000777f1e2028148a07000db123feffa7db
2800 --mic 1d37730e
a comma / space separated list of pre-configured keys (i.e. link or well-known transport keys), to use for decryption for example during parsing a packet with theparse.js
set to1
in order to pre-populate the list of pre-configured keys with well-known transport keys, e.g. theZigBeeAlliance09
key or the key commonly used in uncertified devices.ZBTK_CRYPTO_NO_WIRE_WORKAROUND
set to1
to not apply the WireShark workaround to the security header. For some reason the security control field is not filled in correctly in the header when being captured. In order for a successful decryption it was necessary to setZBEE_SEC_ENC_MIC32
field to5
. Not sure why, but WireShark does it and this was the only way I got the message to decrypt.
Format ICs / EUIs / ...
This tool provides different ZigBee specific formatting functions, e.g. for specification compliant formatting of a Install Code or EUI.
import { ic, eui } from 'zbtk/format';
ic(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5', 'hex')) === '83FE D340 7A93 9723 A5C6 39B2 6916 D505 C3B5';
eui(Buffer.from('01000000006f0d00', 'hex')) === '00:0D:6F:00:00:00:00:01';
zbtk format <type> [data]
Format ICs / EUIs / ...
type Type [string] [required] [choices: "ic", "eui"]
data Data to format [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk format ic 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b Format the given data as an Install Code
zbtk format eui 01000000006f0d00 Format the given data as an EUI
the separator used to format EUIs, defaults to:
(as for MAC-addresses) e.g.00:0D:6F:00:00:00:00:01
, may be changed to-
, e.g.00-0D-6F-00-00-00-00-01
as some manufacturers of ZigBee devices denote the EUIs of their devices separated with-
Hash / Checksum Calculation
This tool calculates ZigBee specific hash / checksum values for a given input. Following types of hashes / checksums are supported:
: CRC-16 as used in the ZigBee Install Code validation procedure, following section 10.1.1 of the ZigBee Base Device Behavior specification, the CRC-16 uses the CCITT CRC1775 standard polynomial: 𝑥16+𝑥12+𝑥5+1.mmo
: The Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash function, as used for example when generating a Link Key based on a given Install Code. In order to calculate the Link Key, prefer using thelink
function of theic.js
tool, which will internally call themmo
function, as it also validates the Install Codes checksum, before generating a wrong hash. The MMO hash is used as a temporary key to encrypt message traffic during the initial exchange to a Transport Key.key
: The function to generate a hashed-key as outlined by B.1.4 of the ZigBee Specification, and in FIPS Publication 198. The key hash function is used, to generate the cryptographic key used during the initial exchange when using a Link Key instead of a well-known Trust Center Key.
import { crc, mmo, key } from 'zbtk/hash';
crc(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505', 'hex')).equals(Buffer.from('c3b5', 'hex'));
mmo(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5', 'hex')).equals(Buffer.from('66b6900981e1ee3ca4206b6b861c02bb', 'hex'));
key(Buffer.from('66b6900981e1ee3ca4206b6b861c02bb', 'hex')).equals(Buffer.from('364478502081de79cf903260a0c09d45', 'hex'));
zbtk hash [type] [data]
Hash / Checksum Calculation
type Type of hash / checksum to calculate [string] [choices: "crc", "mmo", "key"]
data Data to calculate hash / checksum for [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-i, --input Input nonce for key-based MMO hash [number]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk crc 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505 Calculate the CRC-16 checksum for the given da
zbtk mmo 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5 Calculate the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO) Hash of
the given data
zbtk key 66b6900981e1ee3ca4206b6b861c02bb --input Calculate a key-based MMO hash, with the given
0 input nonce
echo -n 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505 | zbtk cr Use the non-streamed standard input to calcula
c te the CRC-16
Install Code Utilities
This tool provides a collection of different utility functions in regards to the ZigBee Install Code. It includes, validation / checksum calculation, as well as formatting and generation of a Link Key based on the Install Code. See the Application Examples section, on how to use a Link Key generated from a Install Code, in order to capture packets from an encrypted ZigBee network.
import { validate, checksum, format, link } from 'zbtk/ic';
validate(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5', 'hex')) === true;
checksum(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505', 'hex'), false).equals(Buffer.from('5c3b5', 'hex'));
format(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5', 'hex')) === '83FE D340 7A93 9723 A5C6 39B2 6916 D505 C3B5';
link(Buffer.from('83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5', 'hex')).equals(Buffer.from('66b6900981e1ee3ca4206b6b861c02bb', 'hex'));
zbtk ic <action> [install-code]
Install Code Utilities
action Action to perform
[string] [required] [choices: "validate", "checksum", "format", "link"]
install-code, ic Install Code to process [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk ic validate 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c Validate the given Install Code
zbtk ic checksum 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505 Calculate the CRC checksum for the given Insta
ll Code
zbtk ic format 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b Format the given Install Code
zbtk ic link 83fed3407a939723a5c639b26916d505c3b5 Calculate the Link Key for the given Install C
Packet Binary Parser
This tool provides a ZigBee binary packet parser (and soon™ some encoder) functionality based on the awesome binary-parser
library by Keichi Takahashi. It converts a raw ZigBee packet into a object structure, whilst converting its properties, decrypting the packet if needed and parsing any attributes of the packet. The parsing format was inspired by the Wireshark structure. The tool supports parsing / encoding encapsulated:
- ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol (
) packets - Wireless Personal Area Network (
) packets - ZigBee Network Layer (
) packets - ZigBee Application Support Sub-layer (
) packets - ZigBee Cluster Library (
) packets - ZigBee Device Profile (
) packets
The parse.js
tool will automatically attempt decrypting encrypted ZigBee packets, in case keys have been pre-configured via the ZBTK_CRYPTO_PKS
environment variables or the crypto.js
API. When parsing encrypted packets, parse.js
will try to decrypt the packet with any of the provided pre-configured keys and validate the decryption using the decryption signature / message integrity code (MIC). In case no keys are pre-configured or no key leads to a successful decryption of the packet the unencrypted data is left in the packet, or in case the ZBTK_PARSE_FAIL_DECRYPT
environment variable is set, fails the parsing.
As per ZigBee specification parsed binary values / packet contents, such as Buffer
, are always in little-endian encoding / notation. Other tools, such as cluster.js
or whenever communicating data to an end-user, e.g. during cap.js
packet capture, values are converted into big-endian notation.
Currently, the packet parser does not claim complete specification compliance! Meaning that most parser features have been developed on a 'come as you go' basis, not based on the extensive ZigBee specification documentation. Depending on the type / contents of a packet, this may results in parsing / malformed packet errors. Parsed data can be easily compared using Wireshark. In case of any discrepancy / error, please raise an issue or pull request, including the raw ZEP
packet content and to compare the parsed results. Please note that in case your packet is encrypted with a Network Key, you will need to provide the Network Key to the processor of the ticket, or provide information how to capture a similar packet / reproduce the issue in the local network of the processors network. We strongly do not recommend sharing your Network Key openly, as it would allow anyone to decrypt your networks traffic. Only provide your Network Key to people you trust.
import { pk } from 'zbtk/crypto';
import { parse } from 'zbtk/parse';
pk(Buffer.from('52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4', 'hex')); // register the network key as pre-configured key for automatic decryption of the parsed packets
`${parse(Buffer.from('4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a91aa000000000000000000000502003ffecb', 'hex'))}` === '{"protocol_id":"EX","version":2,"type":1,"channel_id":19,"device_id":65534,"lqi_mode":0,"lqi":41,"time":{"$hex":"d84f48995f78359c"},"seqno":692650,"length":5,"wpan":{"fcf":{"$hex":"0200"},"fc":{"reserved":false,"pan_id_compression":false,"ack_request":false,"pending":false,"security":false,"type":2,"src_addr_mode":0,"version":0,"dst_addr_mode":0,"ie_present":false,"seqno_suppression":false},"seq_no":63,"ti_cc24xx_metadata":{"$hex":"fecb"}}}';
zbtk parse [data]
Packet Binary Parser
data Data to parse [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--type Type of packet to parse
[string] [choices: "zbee_zdp", "zbee_zcl", "zbee_aps_cmd", "zbee_aps_secure", "zbee_aps", "zbee_nw
k_cmd", "zbee_cmd", "zbee_nwk_secure", "zbee_nwk", "zbee_beacon", "wpan", "zep"] [default: "zep"]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk parse 4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a9 Parse the given data as a ZigBee Encapsulation
1aa000000000000000000000502003ffecb Protocol (ZEP) packet
echo -n 4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a91aa Parse the given data from stdin as a ZigBee En
000000000000000000000502003ffecb | zbtk parse capsulation Protocol (ZEP) packet
- See
, to pre-configure keys for automatic packet decryption. - Set
to raise an error in case an encrypted packet cannot be decrypted with the provided (or missing) pre-configured keys, instead of just logging a warning and keeping the raw dataBuffer
in the packet. - Set
to keep temporary / temporal values used for parsing the packet. This is helpful when debugging the packet parsing. Temporary fields are prefixed with a$
dollar sign and are removed by default before the packet is returned from parsing.
Determine Packet Type
This tool is a helper to determine the packet type of a parsed or raw ZigBee packet. The interface accepts the same (parsed) packet as the parse.js
tool and returns the type of the packet as string. This is especially helpful to filter for specific packet types. For example during cap.js
, ZigBee networks are quite noisy due to a lot of WPAN_ACK
packages, that are mostly irrelevant when analyzing the network traffic. Determining the type of the packet and filtering the captured package traffic, helps to narrow down the traffic.
import getPacketType from 'zbtk/type';
getPacketType(Buffer.from('4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a91aa000000000000000000000502003ffecb', 'hex')) === 'WPAN_ACK';
zbtk type [data]
Determine Packet Type
data Packet to determine the type for [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--type Type of packet to determine the type for
[string] [choices: "zbee_zcl_cmd", "zbee_zcl", "zbee_zdp", "zbee_aps_cmd", "zbee_aps", "zbee_nwk_c
md", "zbee_nwk", "wpan_cmd", "wpan", "zep"] [default: "zep"]
--help Show help [boolean]
zbtk type 4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a91 Determine the type of ZigBee Encapsulation Pro
aa000000000000000000000502003ffecb tocol (ZEP) packet
echo -n 4558020113fffe0029d84f48995f78359c000a91aa Determine the type of a ZigBee Encapsulation P
000000000000000000000502003ffecb | zbtk type rotocol (ZEP) packet from stdin
This section walks through some end-to-end use-cases of the ZigBee Toolkit by example. As a prerequisite please follow the installation instructions to install the ZigBee Toolkit.
This example guides through the process of capturing / tracking attributes of ZigBee devices in an existing encrypted ZigBee network. This is useful in case you do not have access the the ZigBee bridge / coordinator, for example because it is a proprietary / manufacturer specific bridge, or you are not willing to replace an existing ZigBee bridge for an open-source implementation like ZigBee2MQTT. In this example we want track thermostats (TRVs) of an existing Viessmann ViCare ZigBee network. Viessmann doesn't provide any local API to access the TRVs data and their cloud-based API requires a monthly subscription and requires an internet connection to work. Thus this guide shows you how to:
- Monitor an existing encrypted ZigBee network
- Be able to extract attributes from packets sent to / from the devices (like TRVs)
- Feed those attributes into my MQTT broker (e.g. for further processing in Home Assistant)
- All whilst staying local network / not requiring any internet connectivity
- All that without interrupting the existing ZigBee networks internal workings
Viessmann doesn't provide any access to neither their thermostat, nor bridge / coordinator implementation, thus this effort was facilitated by the development of the ZigBee Toolkit.
There is are many instructions online, on how to sniff into a existing ZigBee network. For example this guide from the ZigBee2MQTT project. In my case I decided to use a ready-to-use Wireshark USB-Stick by Ubisys (see tested capture devices). What their technical reference and the ZigBee2MQTT sniffing guide had in common was, that both assumed a encrypted network communication. However there are multiple types of security for ZigBee networks. The default is the so called "well-known" pre-shared key method, where the initial ZigBee traffic (that is used to exchange a so called "Transport Key") is sent encrypted with a well known, aka the ZigBeeAlliance09
key: 5A:69:67:42:65:65:41:6C:6C:69:61:6E:63:65:30:39
This guide tackles it step-by-step, but in case of the Viessmann network another ("more secure") way of securing the network was chosen. It was protected with a so called "Link Key" that is based on the "Install Code" of the device that is about to join the network. Without jumping ahead, this is how to start capturing the data.
First step was to find out on which channel data is sent. ZigBee sends data on multiple channels, channel 11-26 to be exact. We have to determine the capture channel, before we can start capturing packets. In order to change the channel, refer to the manual of your capture device. In by case Ubisys provides a shell script on Linux:
sudo ./ieee802154_options.sh –c 11
Or you can set it using this command on in an elevated PowerShell on Windows:
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "ubisys Wireshark" -DisplayName "IEEE 802.15.4 Channel" -DisplayValue "11"
Finding the right channel was more or less trial & error: Set a channel, start the packet capture and see if there is any traffic:
zbtk cap enx001fee00295e
Wait for couple of seconds, if you don't see data, rinse & repeat with the next channel. If you hit the right channel, you should see packet data like:
{"protocol_id":"EX","version":2,"type":1,"channel_id":19,"device_id":65534, ...} (WPAN_ACK)
In my case the Viessmann network sent data on channel 19.
After you have found the right channel to capture data on, your next task is to capture the so called "Transport Key" of your network. The Transport Key is used by ZigBee to encrypt your networks data. You can capture a Transport Key every time a new device joins your network. This means in order to capture a Transport Key you will need either a new / spare device that can join your ZigBee network, or you will have to remove any of your existing TRVs and add it again in the next step.
In order to not leave the traffic that contains the Transport Key unencrypted, by default ZigBee will encrypt the Transport Key data with a well-known pre-configured key, the so called "Trust Center Link Key". The default key, used by most ZigBee networks is called ZigBeeAlliance09
. However there a other, manufacturer specific, link keys out there. In case of the ZigBee Toolkit you can set the ZBTK_CRYPTO_WELL_KNOWN_PKS
environment variable, which will assume encrypted traffic with the ZigBeeAlliance09
key and start the capture:
zbtk cap enx001fee00295e
As mentioned above, Viessmann however, uses a slightly more secure way of how devices join their ZigBee network. So you will only be able to capture encrypted packages, even if you try to have a device join the network. In order to be able to capture a Transport Key in this case, you first have to populate the so called "Link Key", that will be used to encrypt the traffic instead of the well-known key. The Link Key is based on the so called "Install Code" of the device that you are trying to add to the network. The Install Code is a 18 byte hexadecimal number sequence, mostly in tuples of two bytes separated by spaces, that you should find on the label of the device. So you will have to
EE91 7C25 E941 23C2 27B9 3F4D 50A0 C34F 373D
Sometimes your device will have a QR code printed on it. If you scan the QR code, you should find the same Install Code, or "IC" in short. In case of the Viessmann TRVs the QR code decoded to:
Starting with ZBIC:
you can see the Install Code. In order to now calculate the Link Key, we have to calculate the so called Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash. We can use the ic.js
tool of the ZigBee Toolkit, that will also validate the checksum of the Install Code, so we didn't do any mistake when copying the number:
zbtk ic link EE917C25E94123C227B93F4D50A0C34F373D
The command will output the Link Key, used to encrypt the Transport Key exchange. E.g.:
Let's populate the Link Key to use, instead of the well-known ZigBeeAlliance09
trust center key, and start capturing for attributes:
export ZBTK_CRYPTO_PKS=4c23a848a76f432113510a301c5fdfd2
zbtk cap enx001fee00295e --log attribute
Depending of how much traffic is in your network, you should soon start seeing some "Packet encrypted" messages in the console:
Packet encrypted / decryption failed or not attempted
Set or check ZBTK_CRYPTO_(WELL_KNOWN_)PKS environment variable(s) or capture Transport Key
Packet encrypted / decryption failed or not attempted
Now have the device, that you calculated the Link Key for join the network. If you performed the right steps, you should soon see a:
Captured Transport Key 52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4
Key was automatically added to pre-configured key list
Log message, followed by the Packet encrypted / decryption failed or not attempted
messages disappear. Congratulations, you are now successfully sniffing your ZigBee network traffic. Soon you should start seeing some attributes reported to console as well:
Thermostat (0x0201)/Occupied Heating Setpoint (0x0012): 2150 (read from 28:DB:A7:FF:FE:23:B0:7D)
Thermostat (0x0201)/Local Temperature (0x0000): 1797 (read from 28:DB:A7:FF:FE:23:04:4F)
Take good note of your transport key, as this is the key you will have to expose to the ZigBee Toolkit, for any future capture session:
export ZBTK_CRYPTO_PKS=52f0fe8052ebb35907daa243c95a2ff4
As a last step, lets set-up automatically capturing attributes to your local MQTT broker. We can use the same cap.js
tool command to do so (don't forget to pre-publish your captured transport key, otherwise you won't be able to record any attributes):
zbtk cap enx001fee00295e --mqtt-host localhost --mqtt-user mqtt --mqtt-pw abcdefg
Please note that by specifying the MQTT parameters, the cap.js
tool will attempt to emit all attributes to MQTT instead of to the console. In case you would like to also log the attributes to console as before, use the following command instead:
zbtk cap enx001fee00295e --mqtt-host localhost --mqtt-user mqtt --mqtt-pw abcdefg --log attribute
Check your MQTT broker, you should start seeing attributes of your network being populated.
ZigBee Toolkit for Node.js by Kristian Kraljić.
Please file any questions / issues on Github.
Any ideas / comments, or just want to talk? Feel free to start a discussion.
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.