A scraper for semesterly exam timetables.
Clone, install requirements
git clone https://github.com/kshvmdn/uoft-exams.git && cd uoft-exams
pip install -r requirements.txt
to generate a list of exams (see sample output here)usage: main.py [-h] -c COURSES [COURSES ...] -ln LAST_NAME [-s SEMESTER] [-f {table,json}] arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s, --semester semester (S), year (YY) to get schedule for (defaults to W16) -c, --courses courses separated by space, dash for lecture code (eg csc148-l0101 csc165) -ln, --lname last name -f, --format optional output format (one of <table|json>) example: ./main.py -s W16 -c csc165 csc148 eco100-l0401 mat137 -ln madan -f json
Feel free to open an issue or make a pull request. All contributions are welcome.