📰 🥫 Got RSS CAN be better and simple.
- Linux: AMD64(x86_64)
- macOS: AMD64(x86_64) / ARMv64
Download the binary from the github release page, with the following command:
Pull the docker image and mount the Feed rules
file in the project to the docker container:
docker pull soulteary/rss-can:v0.3.7
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/rules:/rules soulteary/rss-can:v0.3.7
All parameters are optional, please adjust according to your needs
The parameters supported by the program can be obtained through -h
or --help
Usage of rssc:
-debug RSS_DEBUG
whether to output debugging logging, env: RSS_DEBUG
-debug-level RSS_DEBUG_LEVEL
set debug log printing level, env: RSS_DEBUG_LEVEL (default "info")
http feed path, env: RSS_HTTP_FEED_PATH (default "/feed")
-headless-addr RSS_HEADLESS_SERVER
set Headless server address, env: RSS_HEADLESS_SERVER (default "")
-headless-slow-motion RSS_HEADLESS_SLOW_MOTION
set Headless slow motion, env: RSS_HEADLESS_SLOW_MOTION (default 2)
-host RSS_HOST
web service listening address, env: RSS_HOST (default "")
-memory RSS_MEMORY
using Memory(build-in) as a cache service, env: RSS_MEMORY (default true)
-memory-expiration RSS_MEMORY_EXPIRATION
set Memory cache expiration, env: RSS_MEMORY_EXPIRATION (default 600)
-port RSS_PORT
web service listening port, env: RSS_PORT (default 8080)
-proxy RSS_PROXY
Proxy, env: RSS_PROXY
-redis RSS_REDIS
using Redis as a cache service, env: RSS_REDIS (default true)
-redis-addr RSS_SERVER
set Redis server address, env: RSS_SERVER (default "")
-redis-db RSS_REDIS_DB
set Redis db, env: RSS_REDIS_DB
-redis-pass RSS_REDIS_PASSWD
set Redis password, env: RSS_REDIS_PASSWD
-rod string
Set the default value of options used by rod.
-rule RSS_RULE
set Rule directory, env: RSS_RULE (default "./rules")
set headless execution timeout, env: RSS_HEADLESS_EXEC_TIMEOUT (default 5)
set js sandbox code execution timeout, env: RSS_JS_EXEC_TIMEOUT (default 200)
-timeout-request RSS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
set request timeout, env: RSS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT (default 5)
-timeout-server RSS_SERVER_TIMEOUT
set web server response timeout, env: RSS_SERVER_TIMEOUT (default 8)
- Base CLI & WebUI Support
- Aggregate Results, JS SDK, Dockerize
- Redis, in-memory cache, Dynamic loading rules
- Charset auto detection, Mix parser support, Improve CSR, Muti-page data extract
- Websites parsing via SSR render, Blog
- Dynamic rule capability, Blog
- Convert website page as RSS feeds, Blog
- Websites parsing via CSR render, Blog
- Docs: Provide a simple tutorial on how to use Docker images with common technology stacks #16
- Pipeline: Support RSS pipeline flow, customize information processing tasks and integrate other open-source software
- AI: NLP tasks
- Rules: Support merge open-source software rules: rss-bridge / RSSHub
- Tools: Quick RSS rules generator, like: damoeb/rss-proxy
This project is licensed under the MIT License
The rapid evolution of the project is inseparable from the following excellent open source software, you can click this link to know who they are : Credits