- 🏢 B.Tech-CSE From UPES, India (2020 - 2024)
- 🧑💼 Ex-Intern at @IBM.
- 🔭 Area of interest is in
Looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects.
📫 Let's connect and chat! Open to anything under the sun.
Banking Management System using Java-AWT, Swing & MYSQL DataBase.
It is a web application where students can login and see the free available slots of mentors according to their interests and can request the mentor.
Message encryption and decryption application is to protect the privacy and security of text messages by transforming them into unreadable and readable forms, respectively. it can encrypt and decry…
Java 1
In this prototype, credit card approval data was analysed and a machine learning model was created to forecast the approval of credit card requests.
Jupyter Notebook 3